Chapter 1213

The Hunt family was speechless.

They exchanged glances, and then Mike said, “Serenity, discuss it with your sister and name a price. Just sell the house to us.”

“If we offer to sell it, will it be you or our grandparents paying?”

Mike said, “Our grandparents are the ones staying in the house, so of course they’ll be the ones paying. However, they don’t have much savings after Grandmom got sick. All of us pitched in to pay for her medical fees. They may not be able to fork out a large amount of money at once.

“You can let them sign an IOU. They’ll pay you as much money as they can now. If it’s not enough…”

“Can they owe you the money?”

don’t have a source of

Mike was silent.

and said to his two sons angrily, “You brothers help me pay for the house. Scott’s share can

“Dad, we don’t have a job and have no income now. Our children are the ones supporting the family now. How can we afford to buy a house

Mr. Hunt looked at his two grandsons.

should pay for it. That way, we won’t have any objections if John inherits the house.” John said, “I have a house in town. I don’t need another house. If Granddad has property, I want a stake in it. If he doesn’t, then I won’t pay. Granddad gave birth to my dad, but he didn’t give birth to

what his most precious grandson had said.

their relatives were shameless,

them to pay you some

agreed with him.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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