Chapter 1219

After settling the matter of her parents‘ house, Serenity returned to the bookstore in a happy mood.

Unexpectedly, she saw Shawn, whom she had not seen for a long time.

Shawn had taken two days of leave before the weekend, so he had a total of four days off to come back and see his parents.

After learning that Serenity was not in the store, he came over to see his cousin.

Jasmine did not know when Serenity would return. Shawn had just come in to sit for a while and was just about to leave. However, he bumped into Serenity just as he was leaving.


Shawn greeted Serenity with a smile, just like before.


from head to toe before politely asking, “When did you come back? It’s

too busy for the time being, so I took two days off before the

been good–looking. Now that she had the nourishment of love, she was like a flower

well that this blossoming

long time since they met and Shawn gave up on Serenity, he still could not help

Aunt Rachel okay?” Serenity asked with concern after hearing that

looked at her friend. “Jasmine didn’t tell

and worried him so much that he took time off work and rushed back to take her to a doctor. Aunt Rachel is

would misunderstand and think that Shawn still had

that Shawn did not come for

Jasmine to ask about Serenity before he came. He only entered when Jasmine said that Serenity was not in.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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