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Read Married by Mistake Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife [by Sixteenth Child] Chapter 98 – Madeline snapped instantly like a puppet without strings, losing all consciousness.

Her world seemed to have turned dark all of a sudden and the intense pain like her skin was peeling swallowed her consciousness entirely.


She desperately rushed towards the ashes that were gradually washed away by snow and rain.

Madeline cried sorrowfully, her trembling hands desperately rubbing against the uneven ground as she tried to collect the remaining ashes.

auto skip

However, the ashes were gradually stained red from the blood flowing out of her palms, and then it melted away in the rain and snow.

Just like that, her only glimmer of hope was completely extinguished.

She cried and laughed miserably, her red and wet eyes staring at Jeremy.

She did not recognize him anymore.

No, she never knew him.

and looked at the unwavering man, her eyes were extremely

will regret

gaze at this moment, Jeremy

‘regret’ in

bodyguard and motioned for him to give him Madeline’s grandfather’s

“Bring it here.”

grandfather’s urn and hugged it tightly in her

that Madeline would suddenly rush over. Seeing the urn had been taken, he

relent. He lifted his leg


fell to the ground. A familiar smell rose up in

could care less about it. She crawled over, shielding

allowed to touch my grandfather’s ashes! Jeremy, if you have to be so cruel, then you

teeth were stained with bright red blood and her whole body was wracked with splitting

to hit Madeline, but before his fist fell, it was caught tightly

you to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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