Read Married by Mistake Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife [by Sixteenth Child] Chapter 17 – The man’s cold accusations rained down on Madeline, and she felt extremely ironic.

“Weren’t you already aware about it, Mr. Whitman?”

Madeline’s answer enraged Jeremy even more. He lifted her chin angrily as he glared at her with his bottomless, black eyes that were filled with anger.

“So, you went to look for your old flame, hmm?”

‘Old flame? He must be referring to Daniel.’

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Daniel had once been Jeremy’s classmate. They were two years older than her and had been her seniors.

When Daniel confessed to Madeline during their graduation ceremony, everyone in school thought that they began dating afterward.

Madeline did not know that Jeremy had believed those rumors as well.

“Madeline, I’m telling you, even if I were to kick you out one day, don’t think that you can run away to other men. I want to see who dares pick up trash I’ve used before!”


was describing her with

the man with force that she did

have an affair like you! I’ve only had one man this entire time and it’s you! So, not only have

said that, Madeline quickly ran back

fall into a daze. He lifted his head to look at Madeline’s back and frowned gently. The moonlight shone down

to work as usual. However, the moment she stepped into

resignation letter immediately, and Madeline was confused. Nevertheless, he only said coldly, “Our company does not welcome light-fingered

it was the result of the video of her having ‘stolen’ being

had the evidence to prove her innocence. However, Jeremy

a shameless

wronged and furious. However, there was

would go Jeremy’s way

he would never help her. He even wished for

a few other company interviews, but they

it was a figment of her imagination, but she felt unwell. From time to time,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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