Silver's POV

The man looked at my father pointedly.

"I don't appreciate people disrespecting my wife like that," he said coldly. "You should be ashamed of yourselves."

My father opened his mouth to speak but Gavin interrupted us as he walked into the center of the gathering.

"What's going on? We need to hurry and-" His voice trailed off as he saw the man standing beside me.

His entire face went pale, and I furrowed my brows at his shocked expression. I was confused about Gavin's expression.

"Wh...what's going on?" Gavin finally stammered, looking between the man and me.

"I'm afraid you won't be getting married today, Gavin," the man said to him simply. The two Gammas that were standing nearby approached Gavin. "The Gamma will escort you to your seat.”

Gavin looked as if he wanted to protest, but he kept himself from doing so. He went with the Gammas inside the church.

How did this man know Gavin?

I looked up at the man in awe; I wasn't sure how I hadn't noticed this last night, but I could feel his power pouring off him in waves. It might even be greater than my father's. I wanted to ask him who he was, but the music started, and the man took my arm into his.

"You look beautiful, by the way," he said in a tone low enough for just my ears alone.

I flushed at the compliment.

I realized that my father and Stella had already gone inside, and I was grateful for a moment of peace. But it didn't last long because we were soon walking into the church, side by side. I felt all eyes on me as everyone turned to us and stood on their feet.

I tried to ignore the whispering, but it couldn't have been helped. Some were skeptical about this marriage; others were in awe of my beauty and the dress that I wore. I heard some wondering who designed such a beautiful gown with elegant designs.

I ignored the piercing glares from Gavin and my family as we made our way to the front of the aisle. I did manage to catch Rebecca's eyes though and they were large with shock. I gave her an "I'm not sure what's happening," look before fixing my attention on the priest in the front of the church.

We stopped just short of him, and I turned to face the man I was marrying.

was saying. But I found it difficult when

onto my hand. When I looked,

breath hitched in my throat, and I gazed back up

Crown, as your husband and Alpha? To rule by his side as his Luna and to respect the Alpha

my chest and for a second,

man... the one I was marrying; my one-night stand, was Alpha Elliot crown?! Gavin's

shook myself out of

"I do," I answered.

you, Alpha Elliot Crown, take Silver Stormwind as your wife and Luna, and protect her as her Alpha for as long as you both shall

Elliot answered

and Luna. You may kiss

himself to me and his soft lips brushed across mine in a gentle kiss. My heart raced in my chest, and I closed my eyes, leaning into the kiss. Tingles coursed through my body, just as

say it was a mating call. But that would be ridiculous

slightly and whispered, "Did you like this gift,

smile formed on my lips, and then


flutes. Music played in the background while guests mingled and ate. I stood by Elliot while he spoke to some of the guests; I felt a bit out of place and nervous around him, but I was also eager to be near him. It was like my body didn't want to leave his side and he

at the

me shortly after and she pulled me away from Elliot's

you actually married Gavin's uncle!" Excitement radiated off

the wedding," I confessed, keeping my voice as low as possible.

last night, that I

we were both so drunk, I didn't even realize Rebecca left to use the bathroom. Elliot suggested we took a cab back to

to Rebecca, she nearly screamed with happiness and then she wrapped

and yank me away from Rebecca. I spun around, startled, only to find

asked, her lips pressed into a thin line. "Were you trying to

raised my

"Gavin has been cheating on me for a while and Elliot happened to be there to get me through it. It was love at first sight honestly." It was mostly a lie with a bit

second," Stella sneered. "You were literally with somebody

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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