Silver's POV

Flashes of light appeared in my vision and an intense ache appeared in my temple. I let out a troubled cry as I buckled over, not sure what was happening. There must have been mistletoe in my drink; but how did this happen?

How could Shirley possibly know what mistletoe does to me?

Nobody paid me any attention because all the rich folks were in their own worlds while they sipped their cocktails and mingled. It wasn't until my hair grew white and my face transformed that somebody finally took notice. For a moment, I was too stunned and in too much pain to move, but then I heard the gasps and the screaming as others began to take notice of me.

"A monster!!!"

"Who is that monster!!"

"We need gamma security in here right away!!

I could hear the shouting and the shuffling of feet as the gamma security barged into the room, trying to find the target. Everyone else's words faded away; I knew Elliot was trying to say something to me as well, but I could hardly hear him between the gasps of horror from everyone else, the gamma security shouting, and Shirley's chuckling. Not to mention the pain in my head and the relentless flashes of light.

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder; I knew immediately that it was Elliot but something inside of me snapped and I flinched away from him. I blinked and saw the looks of horror on everybody's faces; they all pointed and called me names while the gammas shoved their way through the crowd.

knew I couldn't stay here any longer. Without much

the crowd and ran as fast as I could out of the banquet. I could hear the feet getting louder as I was being chased. Tears sprang from my eyes and my chest ached as my lungs fought to stay intact. Everybody now knew my secret,

my lips as

I heard one of the

she went

hammered wildly in my chest as I continued to run; only pausing a moment when

as pain course

on the spot. But I had to keep going; I had

away from the banquet I was, but I could


on the spot while the flashes of bright and colorful light went through my vision and then it

the ground I stood on, and then I saw the wooden fence posts. I looked up and saw the bleachers that were fairly empty only

out!!" I heard someone shouting

around to see a ton of racehorses running in my

were going so fast and with the ache in my head along with my vision being blinded by flashes of lights, I knew I wasn't going to be able to get out of the way in

I heard someone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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