Truth be told, I had fallen in love with Elliot. I knew the feeling wasn't mutual and I'm not even sure when exactly it happened. But he was so kind and tender behind closed doors; he treated me better than anyone has in my entire life. I loved the way I felt wrapped up in his arms after we made love; I loved the way I felt every time he kissed me, whether it was a deep and lingering kiss or a feather across my lips, it made my heart skip a beat every time.

I was in love with Elliot and all I was to him was a contract. It was convenient because for some reason I cured his insomnia, which made little to no sense to me.

"So, you are in love with him?" Shirley asked, raising her brows.

"I didn't say that either," I said quickly, trying to recover myself.

I could feel tears burning in the back of my eyes; I wasn't going to cry in front of her though. I refused to let Shirley see me that weak.

"Look, you have to think about the future, Silver. What about your children?" She asked, making me almost choke on the wine I just took a sip of.

"Our children?"

She nodded.

"You haven't even thought of that, have you?" She asked, raising her brows. "There is a chance that your children won't have a wolf because you don't have a wolf. Elliot's heir needs to be strong; they need to have wolves. If I had children with Elliot, they would be the strongest wolves in the world. Are you really going to deny him a strong heir?"

I felt numb from her words because the truth of that matter was... she was right. Elliot deserved strong children and I couldn't guarantee that. I stared down at my hands, feeling my eyes pooling with tears. Shirly reached out and patted my hand.

"It's alright," she said with fake compassion. "I know it's a tough pill to swallow. But you must know it's for the best in the long run. You'll all be happier once you divorce and take a step back. You'll see it from the outside prospect. Elliot and I just make sense. I'm sure he has fun with you, but he could never love you. Not like he loves me at least. He knows it and his wolf knows it..."

asked, snapping my eyes

large, and she

part," she said. "But seriously... you think about the future and

rest of the wine

managed to say. I was feeling numb, and my eyes were burning with unshed tears. I needed to get out of this

turned around and started

but it swung open. Elliot stood in front of him, his eyes filled with concern as he looked between Shirley and me. His eyes lingered on me while


wiped at them, hoping Elliot hadn't noticed but he grabbed my face and held my head so I couldn't turn

shook my head; not wanting to relay my conversation

tired, Elliot," I whispered. "Please,

for a long while; his eyes searching my

will talk tomorrow though," he said it like a statement, not a

my shoulder at Shirley who only smirked at

"Goodnight, Miss Shirley."

"Goodnight, Silver," replied.

note, I turned and

the time reached my bedroom, I was sobbing. I couldn't seem to stop myself. figured Elliot would

mask my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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