Silver's POV

I felt cold upon hearing Shirley's words. I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. Could it be true? Could she really be Elliot's true mate? Why hadn't this come up before? Why didn't Elliot tell me? Why hadn't Shirley?

"I know this is a lot for you to take in. I'm sorry, Silver. I didn't want you to find out this way. But you needed to know," she told me, releasing her hold on my hand. My body had gone completely numb and I didn't even realize she was holding my hand. "But after your two divorces, Elliot will be marking and marrying me. Our packs will be joined, and we'll overall be better for it. Isn't that what you want? For everyone to be happy and stronger?"

I found myself nodding along with her words, but not fully understanding what it was she was saying. I felt so unbelievably numb, I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out. But I remained frozen in my seat, staring at her like she just slapped me across the face. "I really hope there aren't any hard feelings," she said, batting her long lashes at me.

I mistook her condescending attitude for sweetness. That was my mistake. I thought she was truly apologizing to me for her actions; that was another mistake. I should have never believed her, but now I sat in a chair at her bedside with my heart bleeding in the palm of my hand.

What was wrong with me?

How could I be so naive and think that Elliot was actually falling for me? I thought he could have been falling in love... I was falling in love.

But now I see that I was only kidding myself. I was pathetic and there was nothing more I could do to mend this disaster of marriage. "Silver?" Shirley asked with fake concern evident in her voice. "Are you okay?"

I cleared my throat and nodded, blinking a few times to keep the tears from spilling out of my eyes. I wasn't going to give Shirley the satisfaction of watching me break. She doesn't get to see my tears. These tears were for me and me alone. I forced a smile as I stood to my feet.

I told her sweetly. "You are

nodded thoughtfully, watching me

me know," she said, that plastered smile

her. Just as I started toward the door, it opened and Beta Leo along with Elliot walked back into the room. I immediately slammed the walls up

you all set?" He asked, his eyes

I nodded.

going to head home

looked uncertain

can drive you,"

out for him from behind me. When I

hurts! I think something's

the doctor and he was wondering why her leg hadn't healed already. I gave a mocking laugh, but it was low enough

left here. I turned away and walked through the doors. I went straight to the nurse's station

before you left," the nurse said, handing me a bottle of pain medication. “Typically, we wouldn't have let you leave without someone coming to discharge you and pick you up. But seeming your husband

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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