He was also furious with me for letting it get to this point. He never liked Shirley and now he hated her even more for driving our wife away. "Is Shirley really your mate?"

That snapped me back to the present moment; my eyes glared at him, and I knew my wolf could be seen through the windows of my eyes. "What the fuck are you talking about, Marco?"

Marco narrowed his eyes at me and held up his hands like he was trying to settle a rabid animal... or an angry wolf.

"Woah, I'm just asking about what I heard from the mouth of your soon-to-be ex," he said, talking slowly and trying to calm my temper. "Shirley told her that you were mates and that you should divorce. I just wanted to know if it was true." "What??" I asked, I wasn't able to comprehend what he was saying. Shirley said what to her? No.... Shirley wouldn't have said that to her.

Would she?

I thought back to all the stupid and cruel things Shirley had done since she's been back in town. Drugging me and lying about Silver giving her permission to do so, all the cruel names she's called Silver, and how she's been trying to get me to break up with her since she found out that we were married.

Shirley absolutely had enough balls to do something like this... but I thought I made it clear to her that nothing would ever happen between us.

"Silver thinks you lied to her about finding your mate," Marco continued. "As a lawyer, I'm not supposed to be telling you this because she is my client. But as your friend who doesn't want to see you lose your marriage and a friend to her because I know she doesn't want to lose you either, if it's not true, you need to set things straight. So, I'm asking you... is it true? Is Shirley your true mate?"

"Alpha, if it's true. Then divorce Silver and let her," Mariah whispered, lowering her gaze to the ground, defeated. She looked as if I had just kicked a puppy.

and I wouldn't tell her about it. I was so numb from the fact that Silver was filing for a

keeping my eyes locked on Mariah who tensed at the forcefulness of my tone. She lifted her gaze to look into mine and I knew she could see the sincerity in my eyes. My wolf was calming now that he knew what the misunderstanding was; it meant we still had a chance to set things right. "Shirley is not

relieved to hear that and I

signing those goddamn papers," I told him, handing them back to

He took them immediately.

brows at me. "She was pretty broken when she left and even

won't divorce her," I

was just a contact. Something is telling me it's more than that though,"

anything she hadn't told him? What was her relationship with Marco? I now know he's her best friend's cousin, but was there more going on between them than that? Has there ever

it. I

need to find her," I said,

to you?" Mariah asked, causing me to freeze. "If

words almost slipped from my lips

that moment how

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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