Elliot's POV

"You broke ties with the Darknight pack? Are you out of your mind??" Beta Leo asked, his mouth gaping open.

Gamma Luca ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head as he paced the room. They were two of my best friends, so they knew where I was coming from, but that didn't mean they liked it.

"You realize Shirley could start a war on our pack now, right? With the rogues continuously attacking us, can't deal with a pack war too," Luca said, his voice filled with distress.

"We are one of the strongest packs in the world; what good are our warriors if we don't use them," I said, leaning back in my seat. "Double up on the border patrols and get the rest of the warriors into extra training hours. I don't think Shirley would start a war, but we need to be prepared anyway," I told them. "Have there been any more rogue attacks in the last 24 hours?"

"No, they've been rather quiet," Leo said, shaking his head. "I think they are trying to regroup and try a new tactic. We still aren't sure what they want but it seems they've stopped attacking the other packs and are focusing their attention on us specifically."

I nodded, already knowing this information. The other Alpha's have told me, since our last Alpha meeting, that they haven't experienced any rogue attacks on their end and yet we've had two. Whatever these rogues are after, it has to do with the Crown pack.

I thought about Silver and worry invaded my chest; my wolf was distressed over her safety. Above all, I needed to make sure Silver was safe. The Surfside Resort is a way away from the pack, so at least I knew she would be safe for tonight.

"I need you to send some of our spies into the rogue territory to find out what they are after," I told Leo, who nodded in agreement. "I'm taking Silver out of town for the night, and we won't be back until later tomorrow evening. Only contact me if there's an emergency." "So, does that mean things are going well for the two of you?" Luca asked, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest.

I grinned.

confessed. "I fell in love with her and I'm going to do what I can

find your

a wolf that Silver is my true mate. My wolf has been drawn to her and

both looked at one another with

"No?" Leo asked.

I shook my head.

with my wife," I

both nodded, looking

okay," Beta Leo

the time; it was

said, standing to my feet. "I need to get going.

Alpha," Beta Leo

the Luna our best," Gamma Luca


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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