Third Person POV

The sounds of a baby crying woke Camilla in the middle of the night. She knew it wouldn't be long before the other one woke as well. Her body was sore from hours of labor, and she was tired. Her husband, Kyle, had business tending to at the packhouse. As the Beta, Kyle often had to deal with the mess left behind by the Alpha of the Stormwind pack, which they were from. It's not that Alpha Richard was a bad Alpha; he was just dense and often made careless mistakes that Kyle had to fix.

Camilla sat up, peering around the dimmed hospital room, and sighed as she peeked into the small bassinet by her bedside. The small baby, wrapped in a pink blanket, whaled her heart out. Camilla's eyes watered, hating that her daughter was in such distress and hating that she had no idea how to fix it. She had finally gotten her to sleep a little over an hour ago after she spent hours crying before that.

She and Kyle still hadn't chosen any baby names, and she knew she would need to before she left the hospital.

Camilla wrapped the small bundle of joy in her arms and cradled her, hoping she would settle down soon.

"Baby girl, why do you keep crying?" Camilla whispered to her daughter as she rocked her back and forth. "You won't eat, you won't sleep... what more could you want?"

Camilla brought the baby girl to her lips and kissed her reddening cheek.

you and would do anything for you.

second bassinet. She sighed and scooped her son into her arms, holding him just as close as she held her daughter. He was the calmer of the two and was easier to

won't stop crying. What do I do?" Camilla asked her baby boy. He sniffled, almost already

they didn't wake any of the patients sleeping in their rooms, but with her Beta hearing, Camilla could hear them clearly as if they

crying again?" One of

sleep an hour ago and now it seems she's awake again. I'm not sure what to do

still hasn't chosen a

the nurse said softly. "She's due to be discharged soon, so she must choose names in

exhausted having to deal with not one, but two

least the Beta female is in good health though. That's

Camilla's attention.

birth. She already had one daughter who had turned 2 a couple of months ago. Despite her husband sometimes being incompetent, Penelope was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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