Chapter 0153

Chapter 0153

"Oh, Silver Such a shame to see you in such a position like this," Shirley said, giving me a fake pout. "I've heard a lot about you from your darling brother. It's a shame you don't want to join him." "What are you doing here, Shirley? What could you possibly get out of this?"

"Elliot's pack of course," she said simply. "He has the largest and strongest pack in the world. That's always been my goal. Having him and his family out of the way would make that way easier. Scott has a foolproof way of making that happen, so I agreed to help him. In return, I'll give him some strong warriors and the rest of my pack."

"You've been helping him?" I asked, my brows furrowed. This whole time, Shirley has been helping my brother and the rogues attack the Crown pack? "But you've been helping Elliot..."

"I've been giving Elliot the old turnaround," Shirley said with a sly grin. "I was never truly helping him. How do you think his rogues have been entering his pack undetected?

I glared at Scott.

"Why did you need Shirley's help? Why not just keep changing the scents of rogues to get them access to the pack?" I asked.

"Because eventually they would have figured it out and the element of surprise would be gone," Scott answered, shrugging. "I only use my powers when I think it'll be beneficial. Using Shirley allowed me an easy way into the pack without using my powers." "You will never get away with this," I hissed. "Once I get out of here, I'm telling Elliot everything!"

I probably shouldn't have said that out loud, but I was so angry that I couldn't help it. I was furious on behalf of my husband and my pack. I wasn't going to let them get away with this and if I have to fight tooth and nail for them to release me, then I would. Shirley chuckled and glanced over her shoulder at Scott.

real? Does she really think we are that

Scott rolled his eyes.

you," he said, folding his arms across his

her hand out for one of her minions. He handed her what

that?" I asked, my voice coming out

this?" She asked, holding up the syringe. "This will erase your memories. Then, we'll

My heart dropped.

"Erase my memories?"

you that Elliot doesn't care about. you. He won't hesitate to throw you to the wolves if

same to you!"

understand. What are you

the tree," he muttered. "You don't know how to use your powers, so I'm not worried about you being able to reverse things. At least

stabbing pain

At first felt a light tingling sensation. But it didn't last long because my entire body went numb, and I felt completely paralyzed. could feel my memories escaping my mind; I tried to hold onto them, desperate to remember something about this encounter. But like pieces of a thread, they unraveled and disappeared

where I was or what I was just


I was staring up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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