Silver's POV

"How did you know?" I whispered, still not believing that Erik believed me.

He had unlocked the cell door and uncuffed me. I sat curled up on the ground and he was cross-legged in front of me like we were any two friends. He sat in my cell with me, his back against the cold metal bars. He said he dared anyone to try and get him out of the cell; they would have to drag him out kicking and screaming, which evidently, made me smile.

"Because you were the only one who knew that I was gay," he told me, his brows furrowed. "Unless you told everyone and their mother. Nobody else knew."

"I was the only one you told?" I asked, dumbfounded.

He nodded.

"I never felt comfortable telling anyone else," he said, shrugging. "You were venting about some stuff, and I figured it was time that I opened up about me as well. It was only fair."

"I don't know what to say...."

"You don't have to say anything. The important thing is you are who you say you are. So, what the fuck happened?"

"I told you guys the truth. I don't remember anything. My memory is gone. Whoever took me, must have done something. But I remembered seeing a face standing above me. He told me that he was going to prove that Elliot didn't really love me. That he would throw me to the wolves the second he got the chance."

I pressed my knees against my chest and buried my face in my lap as tears burned in my eyes.

he did

was weird from the beginning. But you said you saw someone standing above you; do you know what

about it for a

I was looking

he nodded, but he

was your

not sure

abilities. There was a hit on you and your family after Elliot's sister prophesized your birth and future. Apparently, you have terrifying powers and will cause disaster in our world," Erik explained, shrugging as if he thought it

nothing but crap.

cheeks burned from

Terrifying powers?

full moon? The fact that I could see scents and I

the ground to open and swallow me

burned in

crying," Erik said,

to me and wrapping me in his arms. It was comforting, but they weren't the

Eliot was

Erik to come out to the Alpha to protect me. I

she have my face?" I asked, shaking my head

followed by Luca and Beta Leo. Erik quickly dropped his arms from around me and took a protective stance in front of me. "Step aside, Gamma,"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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