Chapter Shy Two (Marlene’s Backstory)
Chapter Sixty Two (Marlerie’s Backstory)
Marlene’s POV.
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It’s been ten whole years since my mother taught me to make Amber’s downfall my life’s mission. I was taught to make sure that Amber never succeeded in anything, and even if she does get any success, it shouldn’t be anything worth recognizing that’d make her any better than my siblings and me.
Before I started to do everything possible to make Amber’s life hell, I genuinely used to care about her. She was my big sister, and everyone referred to me as her protege, who was simply born to follow
in her big sister’s footsteps. At first, I was honored to have everyone think I’d be like her
because, as much as I hate to admit it, Amber was incredible.
She was beautiful, had good grades, and was popular. Everyone regarded Amber as a perfect girl who
had a perfect life. Well, everyone except Amber herself.
As much as I admired her back then, I couldn’t stand her lack of confidence, and it wasn’t until Mom
opened my eyes that it dawned on me that, despite being so perfect at everything, Amber wasn’t
satisfied. She was a greedy attention-seeking bi tch who would try to appear fragile and easily
intimidated just to get people to look at her and stick to her side.
I never understood why she was like that. She had it all; she was everything I wasn’t, and yet, she
would spend most of her nights wallowing in self-pity, talking about how hard it was being her.

telling how much she wished she could just disappear, and how she would prefer if everyone just left
her alone and stopped thinking she was happy.
At first, I felt bad for her, and I thought it would stop one day, but it never did. And one day, Mom opened my eyes and taught me what Amber really was.
It all started when I was eleven and Amber was Nineteen. Since I was the lame kid who was only known
for having a cool big sister, I had no choice but to use her to make myself more likeable to others. So one day, I begged her to show up for a friend’s party, after I assured my friend that my sister
would be coming too.
Since Amber was popular, her presence would make me look cool, and it’d also make my friends want to hang around me even more. When I asked her, she agreed to come. In fact, she promised me that she’ come and even told me that she would bring a few of her friends so they could hang out with us, but unfortunately for me, she never kept her word.
She didn’t show up like she promised, and not only did that make me seem like a liar, but I also
ended up getting called all sorts of names because she didn’t keep her word. I didn’t hate her immediately, though. I was poet, angry, and furious, and I wanted to yell at her, but I didn’t hate her just yet.
But that was until I got home and ran to her room to ask her why she didn’t keep her word. When 1, did, I found her seated on the floor, and once again, she was wallowing in self-pity like someone under a curse.
It was at that point that I knew she didn’t deserve my admiration. And the worst part was that the didn’t even remember her promise to me, and I ended up having to console her when I had just been insulted and thrown out of my friend’s party because, thanks to her, I didn’t keep my word.
Instead of apologizing to me and making it up to me, she was bawling her eyes out when absolutely nothing happened to her. It was at that moment that I knew that Amber, the girl everyone, including myself, thought was so perfect and so great, was nothing but a sociopath who craved attention and would disregard anyone, including her family, to get it.
That was the root of it all. It was after that happened that Mom started to talk about Amber with me, and she never once said anything nice. She told me that Amber was exactly like her late mother and that if I didn’t learn how to deal with someone like her early on, I’d have to spend the rest of my life living under her shadow and being the girl who never got anything.
I was only eleven, but thanks to Amber, I lost my childhood from that point on. My life started to revolve around being a better Amber, and my mother stopped at nothing to make sure that I succeeded. I had to study harder and change my diet to lose weight, and when I did, I became addicted to always looking my best and making sure no one else looked better than me. This was the only way to step out of her shadow.
I needed to make sure that Amber, the daughter of Elena, whom my mother hated more than anything would never be better than me. If she had something good, I had to take it from her. If she rose to a
certain extent, I had to make sure she hit rock bottom again and again just to make sure she’d never
stand a chance at ever being better than me.
When Kayden showed up suddenly with his suggestion of an arranged marriage with Amber, my mother was furious, but she couldn’t refuse being an in-law to a powerful family like Kayden’s family. So reluctantly, she and Dad convinced Amber to marry him. And even after that happened, even after sh was given such a good opportunity to marry a man like him, Amber ended up doing the very thing!
hated her for
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Sat, 2 Mar UDG
Chapter Sixty Two (Marlene’s Backstory!
ng to get
5 Stars
Sne wallowed in seir-pity, crea nerser to sleep, and talked about not wanting get married, only to end up falling in love with him about a month later. It irked me so much because I couldn’t
understand why things couldn’t be simple with her.
Did she always have to cry? Did she always have to play the victim and react to things like she didn’t deserve them, only to embrace them and act differently moments later? Why couldn’t she just be real, instead of pretending and wanting people to pity her?
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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