Married to the Boss: A Love in Disguise Chapter 94

“Maybe he thinks too much of himself.” Arty looked at Adam and said deliberately,

“Ms. Louis, don’t worry about this thing. Anyway, whether you are in this marriage of

not, you could see someone.”

Before he finished speaking, Adam grabbed his phone and hung up the call decisively.

Arty said, “It’s not that you don’t know that she has a boyfriend, so what are you doing

with a gloomy face?”

Adam suddenly remembered the conversation between Lumma and Leonard at noon,

“What are the three great joys in life in the modern version?”

Arty said, “For guys, they are getting a promotion, getting rich, and losing wives. For

women, they are getting a promotion, getting rich, and losing husbands.”


divorce him.

realization made Adam’s face darken. “You can

Arty was confused.

door and got off the car. Then, he got

Lumma and go back to

“Let’s go.

José said, “Yes, sir.”

to the side of the road angrily, cursing about how unbelievable Lucas was. He was the one who

he treat marriage as

Lumma almost ran into a car driving

know how to drive, don’t drive. What if you hit someone?” After complaining, she finally saw the luxury car in front

would be no one else in Red Pine City except Adam to have this

back seat of the car and she

Get Borus


looked at her as

a perfect smile. “Mr. Hills,

forced smile on her face. “You were so happy at work. Why are you angry when you are

him about her private life. “Mr. Hills, if there’s nothing else,

to escape from him, Adam felt

asked, “Is there anything you need

the car.” Adam opened the door and asked her

walked to the passenger seat, “Mr. Hills, I’ll just sit

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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