Married to the Boss: A Love in Disguise Chapter 115

Adam thought Lumma had found something and went upstairs to accompany him. It turned out that it was just a misunderstanding.

Lumma moved her arm and reminded Adam that he was still holding her wrist. “Mr. Hills, let go of me first.”

Adam let go of Lumma’s hand in disappointment. “I’m sorry. I…”

“I know. You must have mistaken me for your wife, so you held my hand.” Seeing that he was a little weak and feeling bad, Lumma guessed that it must be because of the quarrel Adam had with his wife.

Lumma thought for a while and decided to persuade Adam, “Mr. Hills, since you care so much about your wife, you can have a talk with her. A good conversation will solve all the problems.”

“Can it work?” Adam wanted to talk to Lumma, but he didn’t dare to take the risk.

a try. If you don’t even try, how can you know whether it works or

said with a smile. “When we go back to Red Pine

do it when we go back.” Lumma sincerely hoped that Adam and his wife could make as soon as possible so that she could do her work


cooking some soup to treat your

“Thank you,” Adam said.

weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have eaten such spicy food and suffered from a stomachache.

fault. Don’t blame yourself.” Adam reached out his

Lumma’s hair. Her hair was smooth and soft. Adam felt so

back on his nose and smelled it gently. His hand was stained with her hair’s fragrance. The fragrance was

behavior, but when she met Adam’s calm eyes, she felt that she had thought too

“OK,” Adam said.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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