Chapter 180

“He will like me more and approve of me as his wife just because of the children?” Theresa finished what Roderick didn’t


Roderick kept silent but looked at Theresa.

Theresa continued, “If he will value me more because of the children, then, what about Cristina? He doesn’t know the

You’re his friend, and you should know it very well. Besides, if I tell Charlie this, maybe Charlie will think that everything is a set-up by Cristina and me. For me, there is no need to do this kind of hard but thankless job. I

as she finished and then lowered her head to drink a glass of water. He could tell

the waiter served the food.

confirmation again, “You won’t tell Charlie, will you?” Roderick laughed and suddenly asked an unexpected question, “Do you like Charlie?”

this kind of question too? Don’t you think it’s silly? In the world of adults, there is no such thing

“So you

to her mind when she heard these words. It was strange. She hated Charlie so much and felt that he was sometimes arrogant and unreasonable. But at this moment, what she recalled was the moment when he defended her one at a time in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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