Chapter 035 Uncle Charlie Is Here.

There was no way Uncle Charlie would push his mother.

So the person who did that must be someone else!

Upon thinking of that, he seemed to have got something on Theresa.

She said to Theresa, “Where is the person who pushed my mother?”

“I did it.” Jonathan standing by the car spoke out, and he was walking to everyone.

Rose didn’t see him until now.

She paid so much attention to Theresa that she didn’t see someone by the roadside.

Seeing Jonathan, Rose looked grim and said, “Mr. Jonathan.”

She didn’t expect to see Jonathan here!

Hearing Rose call Jonathan Mr. Rosales couldn’t believe it so she asked, “Do you know this man?”

Rose’s facial expression froze and replied, “He’s my uncle’s assistant.”

She thought she would teach Theresa a good lesson in the absence of her uncle, but who would have guessed Jonathan

was here?

She looked over and saw a car, and she thought, wasn’t that uncle’s car?”

So that meant her uncle was also here?

Rosales said, “He was the man who pushed me just now! Rose, tell your uncle what really happened, this man is just an

assistant, how dare he be so rude and arrogant!”

Rosales pointed at Jonathan and got even more excited when she knew that Jonathan was just an assistant.

But what Rosales didn’t know was how much Jonathan meant to Charlie.

He was Charlie’s assistant and the person he trusted the most.

Even Rose’s father showed respect to Jonathan, let alone Rose herself.

Jonathan said, “Mr. Watson, I’m sorry that I offended your mother. But I was just trying to protect my master’s wife. I

wouldn’t have touched your mom if she didn’t resort to violence first.”

deny anything.

just admitted he

Jimmy didn’t know what to say for

down upon on Theresa, but Jonathan wasn’t someone he could afford to mess

and I’ll take full responsibility.

hospital to run a check-up, but she just wouldn’t agree and insisted on waiting

thorough examination and all the expenses will be covered

her son and daughter-in-law came, they would

she protested, “But he pushed

won’t let him get away with

thought he must compensate

I just couldn’t let myself lie down on the ground for

what Rosales said, Jimmy just wanted to pour oil on troubled waters,

back home.”

mom spoke, he could tell that his

here for this

made him angry last night, so

expect Jonathan to be here as well.

think we need to take your son to the hospital for a

not necessary, I’ll

to carry her to the car.

down and the handsome face of Charlie appeared in front of everyone,


because he knew Charlie would

timidly, “Uncle



look at Jimmy’s mother, and he saw exactly

how I approached things last night, huh? You’re smart,

to cause trouble for

instantly, “I’m not, Uncle Charlie, I

anything about it? Why do I just don’t believe a word

really has nothing to do


on her own, if he let Charlie put everything on him, there was no way he could explain everything


just stare at Jimmy with

okay if Charlie

said nothing and stared at himself like that, it

the perspiration secretly and glared at the rose, then he said,

idea about

ago, so we rushed here.” Standing next to her son and daughter-in-law and seeing them acting so cautiously, she thought she might brought

trouble to them.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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