Martial Peak

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 – Tempered Body 5th Stage

The discovery that he was near a breakthrough left Kai Yang ecstatic. For it took him three years to make it to the tempered body third stage. But on the second day of obtaining this book, he had broken through and now once again he will break through again. This training speed also made Kai Yang somewhat scared.

Practising the tempered body record consumed a large amount of stamina. So Kai Yang rested afterwards and slowly regained his stamina . After he had regained his stamina he ate some of the remain food and continued his search for the herbs.

Yesterday he had travelled to all the places from his memory that could potentially grow his required herbs. Today he would have to rely on luck. Fortunately, the value of these herbs were not high, so the chance of finding them today was still high.

(TL: Trust me Kai Yang, luck is the only thing you don’t need to worry about.)

After an entire day of searching, Kai Yang had found a total of seventy eight herbs and two Three Leaved Chaos Spirit Flowers. This time he had finally found the herbs he required to activate the incense burner, but the quantity he had was still lacking.

Time passed by, and soon darkness came. Kai Yang was still awake though, it was not because he wasn’t tired but rather that he was too hungry to fall asleep.

((*〇□〇)……! & (O.O) )

Originally he had planned to hunt some wild game, but had not even seen a single rabbit. Unfortunately he could only find some fingernail-sized berries which were very sour. When he finished eating them it only made him feel even more hungry.

Ah! If I knew that this was going to happen, I would have brought more rice balls! Kai Yang repented. There is no shop in these desolate areas, where is he going to find food?

This hunger was a real embarrassment. Kai Yang then saw in the distance, a hint of a fire. Instantly his energy came back, picking himself up he walked towards it.

They dared to light a fire in a forest; these people were either idiots or they had nothing to fear. This time, these people belonged to the latter.

approached, a person near the

ED: T^T, Kai Yang you’re

Yang felt his muscles tighten and his spine shiver. The two people by the

boy, aged about eleven and his eyes were bright and held

(TL: Maybe not……..

you doubt our

faced with the two arrows, he didn’t have the slightest

the mountain to collect herbs.” Kai

each other. The burly (I really want to say buff) slowly lowered his bow and arrow down. He then signalled for the boy to relax

I’m sorry.” Kai said slightly embarrassed and

waved towards Kai Yang: “Come, the nights are cold and surviving alone here will not be

the fire. Beside him, the burly man kept looking at Kai Yang and couldn’t but feel pity when he saw Kai Yang’s

and son pair lived at the foot of the mountain, and came here to hunt and earn a living. Although they weren’t rich, it was enough to maintain adequate food and clothing. The boy, although he was young, was a veteran at hunting. And along with his father, they had come to Black Wind Mountains many times

told them that he was a Sky Tower disciple, the burly man was taken aback. While the little

a practitioner, but his talent was not enough and he

the past three years and his experiences. Not only did it move him deeply, it also made him softly rub the boy’s head

about to say something, Kai Yang’s stomach grumbled loudly. The little boy stared blankly and suddenly laugh out loud, from his bag he took out some dry rations and gave

very moved, but he didn’t accept. Kai Yang looked at the burly man and he

reject the offering and

some more the three then went to sleep around the fire. Though Kai Yang didn’t dare sleep too heavily, if any danger were to approach the father and son, he would be able to react. He also considered this to be returning the favor for giving him the rations

the night passed peacefully

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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