Martial Peak

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 – Burn the house

Su Mu was very satisfied with the reaction to his demand, but witnessing this made him snort softly in disdain.

Although today’s battle with Kai Yang had been secured by Su Mu, the crowd had yet to disperse. They didn’t know what Kai Yang had done to offend Su Mu, so of course they wanted to stay behind and watch the show.

After waiting for some time, Kai Yang still hadn’t appeared. Su Mu impatiently asked: “Where is he?”

“I don’t know. Usually, he is already out sweeping the grounds by this time, so I don’t why he has yet to come out. Master Su, should we check his hut?”

After thinking for a bit, Su Mu nodded and replied: “That’s a good idea. He is just a small and insignificant sweeper, yet he dares to make this Master Su painstakingly wait for him. I will make him pay for this later!”

The location of Kai Yang’s residence was no secret, so the people around Su Mu swiftly lead the way.

The ones who had stayed behind to watch the show also followed, creating a grand procession of disciples.

A short while later, the procession of people had arrived at Kai Yang’s small hut. When they saw the pitiful and wretched state of his hut, with holes littering the hut walls, they were not surprised. For no apparent reason, Su Mu lifted his hand pointed at the hut: “That brat lives here?”

“In response to Master Su’s question, because Kai Yang is a trial disciple, he must provide for all his own clothing, food, housing and training materials. The Main Gate will definitely not provide them for him. This hut was probably built by his own hands.”

“Good good good.” Su Mu laughed happily. Thinking about how drenched Kai Yang would become on rainy days elevated his spirits.

Sighing, Su Mu controlled his smile and strode confidently, like a dragon or a proud like tiger, forward. With a loud voice, taking care to clearly articulate each word he called out: “You, Kai Yang. Get your arse out for this Master Su and prepare to receive a nice beating!”

That loud shout was powerful, like a storm and yet unlike a storm it was not detached and uncaring it was filled with utter hatred.The hatred and bloodthirsty desire, made everyone present shiver in their shoes. This clearly displayed the level hatred between Kai Yang and Su Mu to the crowd, evidently it was not a small issue.

Su Mu stood their, exuding a majestic presence, in this moment it appeared that not even the could move him. After he finished shouting, he waited expectantly outside the door for Kai Yang to coming running out, while pissing his pants, and crying to beg for mercy. The more he thought about it, the more arrogant be became.

there was not a even a hint of movement

now full of rage, snarling he called out again: “Kai Yang, be a smart one

there was still no

now felt there was something odd, for if Kai Yang was really inside, there should be at least sounds of

exaggeratedly. That person promptly sprang forward, forcefully kicked down the wooden door and rushed

Mu: “Master Su, there is no one inside. There is also a small accumulation of dust.

revenge and make up for the shame he suffered at the hands of

had been let out, but landed on a piece of cotton. It made

we haven’t

this Su Mu, he probably knew that all hell would break loose. Forcing

a long time, he had

Kai Yang has left, we will no longer be able to obtain

muttered softly, none of their

he was pleased by the respect they were showing him, he hadn’t been able to extract his revenge. Thus Su Mu’s heart was

Kai Yang today. In a fit of rage he

the people Su Mu had brought with him were stunned. One asked: “Master Su, is it a

Mu eyed him: “Even if the sky falls down, I will be there to catch it. Furthermore, it isn’t even important to the school. So what if it is destroyed, it wouldn’t be much of a loss. Also, leaving this ragged hut standing will harm

dispelled the concerns within their hearts. With the Master Su

to look for


or die!” Su Mu said while grinding his teeth. Just as he

Mu didn’t even need to

burning my house?” That

the speaker, he immediately jumped to the side like a frightened rabbit seeing a wolf. Then with an exaggerated movement, he assumed a defensive posture. His face was filled with alarm and the hairs on the back of his neck all

frightening. Not only were his clothes all tattered, his hair was messed up, with plants sticking out all over the place and dirty beyond compare. His body also displayed numerous bloody marks, his clothes were bloodstained and a bulging bag was tied around his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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