Martial Peak

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 – The beauty beneath the moon

Although his current training was not enough for him to develop his divine sense, Kai Yang could still distinctly feel that drop of Yang liquid within his dantian. With a single thought, the Yang drop began to move.

This Yang liquid was usable during a battle, but Kai Yang had yet to test it out. In the end, the black book’s explanation was not enough, so he needed test it out first hand to gauge its true potential.

Although he had suffered many days of hardships to reach this point, with the creation of this singular drop of Yang liquid, Kai Yang felt content. With a heart full of excitement, he settled down and cultivated most of the night away.

During the latter part of the night, Kai Yang opened his eyes and stopped cultivating.

In these past few days, he had constantly skipped his meals and gone without sleep. Although this had brought about great results in regards to his cultivation, it had placed a great strain on his body. In order to cultivate well, you must do all things in moderation in order to avoid long term dangers.

Standing up, he patted his bottom clean of dirt and walked lightly back to his wooden hut.

When he arrived, the door to his wooden hut was ajar, alerting Kai Yang. When he had left, he distinctly remembered that he had closed the door.

Cautiously he walked over and softly pushed open the door. Peering inside, the scene that awaited him momentarily stunned Kai Yang. It was like it had been taken directly out of a painting, something from a dream or fantasy. It was that otherwordly.

Inside his wooden hut, there was really only his bed. And on his bed slept a person, more specifically a female.

With the moonlight pouring into the room via the hole in the roof it fell onto the female asleep on the bed. With the moonlight illuminating the room, Kai Yang saw that both her hands were folded neatly and were placed on her stomach and her well-rounded chest moved up and down rhythmically in tune with her breaths. Under the moonlight, the neck and skin of the lady was as white as sparkling ice, it was accompanied by silky, onyx black hair that spread out around her head. Her shoulders made her seem delicate and fragile, while her earlobes excluded a kind of temptation.

(TL: This author’s tastes are weird. First [hairy] legs, now earlobes.

Because she was laying down, her slim legs, her slender waist and her beautiful body were displayed to Kai Yang in full. He couldn’t see her face due to the cicada thin veil she wore, but on her sleek forehead, there rested a blue gem. This was the only piece of jewellery she wore and although it was not that expensive, he thought it perfectly complimented and highlighted her frosty and pure aura.

illuminating the room seemed to enhance

from the Moon Palace, for from head to toe, there was not a single flaw to be seen and not a single part of her didn’t emit a divine aura. She lay there comfortably, as if she would never wake. Unable to make sense of


Yang cautiously walked over, forcibly suppressing his breathing and heartrate, afraid that they might

it was the same as his guess; this female was the

Ning Chang!

and untouchable aura. That day, she appeared shy and timid, with a fresh and adorable feel. Raising his head, Kai Yang took a look towards the hole in the roof and chuckled softly. These past few days the holes that he had never gotten a chance to fix

Xia Ning Chang who was currently laying on the bed. By the time Kai Yang lowered his head, the sleeping senior sister had long

embarrassed. In the blink of an eye, Xia

and although there was moonlight illuminating the hut, Kai Yang still couldn’t see

people eyed each other, one on the bed and the other beside

she could slap herself unconscious and escape an awkward situation. Her heart was in a mess, she did not think that she would be

to make himself appear somewhat good natured as he asked: “Fellow senior

was it due to the current mood or situation, but when Kai Yang asked that question, it didn’t seem quite right. Especially when a young male and female were

was asking: “How should I call

A hundred percent tasteless.

Ning Chang’s face was as red as blood, but she calmly got up and sat on the bed.

Chang did not have the nerve to give her full

sister Xia. What can I do for senior sister

would this deity like female come to his hut to look

hurriedly took out a package from her side. With her emotions calmed, she said: “This afternoon, there was a hunter from Black Wind Mountains who came to find you. He waited until sundown, but you had yet to appear. I saw that he was in a hurry to return home, so I went to talk to him. That

left at a loss for words for he knew

hunter from the mountains! Last time when he had entered Black Wind Mountains,

the package. Nodding his head, he said: “Oh so it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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