Martial Peak

Chapter 45

“It’s because I was beaten by someone.” Confronted by his sister’s inquiries, Su Mu didn’t dare to refuse to answer. As he answered, he also secretly went to measure up Su Yan.

The latter’s face was still unempathetic: “Why did you get beaten by them?”

“My skill wasn’t up to par…...” Su Mu lowered his head a bit more.

“Why wasn’t your skill enough?” Su Yan continued to question, in order to get to the root of the problem.

Su Mu could only honestly answer her: “I didn’t practise diligently enough.”

Su Yan nodded her head lightly: “You still have a bit of intelligence! Then you know what to do in the future?”

“I know.”

“Remember your words today, so if later in the future you want to go and play around then it will not be someone else who will beat you, instead I will do it personally.”

Su Mu’s face paled as he repeatedly swore he would diligently practise and cultivate so as to meet his elder sister’s expectations.

After she finished lecturing Su Mu, Su Yan finally lifted up her head to look at the people behind him. Sweeping across them, her gaze landed on Kai Yang and a trace of astonishment flashed across her eyes. She asked: “It’s you who defeated Cheng Shao Feng?”

Kai Yang thought that this senior sister’s information network was quite fast. Although she trained here, she was still able to receive information regarding matters occurring outside in a timely fashion. He nodded his head: “Yes.”

“You’re a bit better than Su Mu.” Su Yan was indifferent, and Kai Yang looked like he wasn’t that old, about fifteen-sixteen. He was only at the tempered body eighth stage, his natural talent shouldn’t be that good, so he was naturally unworthy in her eyes. The only reason why she spoke to Kai Yang was because he had saved Su Mu.

“I’ll give you a word of advice.”

“Please say it senior sister.” Kai Yang’s expression remained impassive.

“Stay away from Su Mu, if you continued to stay close to him, then your cultivation will stop and stagnate around this level.”

to reply. She could belittle Su Mu,

quickly when

now, I want to train.” As soon as

quietly exited and closed the door behind them. Looking at each other, they all simultaneously let out a breath of relief. The pressure inside was all too great, and although she was a beauty and as such pleasing to the eye, if they had stayed

to look at the refined pills that everyone was talking a couple of days ago.”

couple of people called

dispersed, each going to do their own business leaving Su

had some things to do so he said: “Junior brother, you look like you have some things to do, so go complete

if you find anything you like, tell me and I’ll keep a look out for you. Although the majority of

Kia Yang leisurely strolled around the Black Wind

up to present the things which they wanted to sell or putting up signs saying what

a busy food market, full of warmth and enthusiasm with everyone busily promoting their wares. Some were arrogant, portraying an if you want to buy then buy attitude, some were acting indifferent in a bid

wasn’t just buying and selling, there were also some booths which were for the making of immortality pills to aid in cultivation, a service they did without

to a good deed, but in reality they were just using others in order to perfect and refine their techniques. That was because these receptariers didn’t have enough experience,

all, after all receptarier

attributed products, before he even entered the trade area, the Origin of Yang in his chest had started to react wildly, showing that there were

which he came across, their ranks were all rather low. The yang type herbs he saw couldn’t even match up to

only shake his head and sigh. Those prices were far too

feng tho. he’s a true beast when it comes to spending money. I pretty sure he has already spent like a couple trillion dollars. ED: All stolen money though, so it doesn’t really count. TL:

for about another half hour, he was finally clear about the true price

were only applicable to those at the tempered body seventh to

bottle that Su Mu gave him held ten of these pills, so all up they were worth

hundred taels, it really wasn’t enough

and he couldn’t determine exactly how many times more dense the yang qi it emitted was compared to the yang qi from the Coiling Dragon Stream. Kai Yang was certain that if he absorb the energy within that stone, then he would be able to condense at least two-three drops of yang liquid. This was equivalent to many days of hard cultivation if he relied on just the yang qi from

this booth owner was not easy to get along with and would certainly not sell it at a low price, Kai Yang was unwilling to give

he only took one glance at Kai Yang and then proceeded to

prices. The owner, with gold glinting in his eyes, casually

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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