Martial Peak

Chapter 80

Su Xuan Wu was squinting his eyes as he looked at Kai Yang, who was currently being beaten up, and remarked: “He looks like he is trying to understand something.”

“What do you mean?” Su Mu didn’t understand.

Su Xuan Wu only shook his head slowly and didn’t bother to explain further.

In his eyes, although Kai Yang was very pitiful, he could tell that he was currently trying to understand something, that something could be a mental understanding or it could be a martial skill. Wrapped within that cold hurricane of air, shivering due to the cold piercing him to the core of his body, he could see a flaming hot energy within his core spreading its warmth. When this fiery energy burst outwards, perhaps he would be able to step into a new level.

If he were to succeed, then his future accomplishments definitely would not be ordinary! Su Xuan Wu had truly never seen a martial practitioner who while in such a sorry state, would actually be able to enter such a deep state of enlightenment. This was nothing short of a miracle.

“Grandpa, I’m afraid that if elder sister continues like this, then senior brother Kai Yang will die.” Su Mu cried out urgently.

Su Xuan Wu replied with a shake of his head: “Yan-er knows how to control the strength of her attacks properly, and within her attacks, there are no killing attacks; after all, she doesn’t want Kai Yang’s life.”

Finishing this statement, he then whispered to himself: “Strange…….why would Yan-er punish him like this?”

If not because Su Xuan Wu was mature and sophisticated, then he definitely wouldn’t be able to guess as to what had just happened between Su Yan and Kai Yang.

When the ice storm died down, Su Yan continued to float in the air, while Kai Yang fell towards the ground. His entire body was battered all over, his clothes torn and where you could see his skin there were signs of frostbite.

Just as he was about to hit the ground, Kai Yang suddenly did a flip and landed firmly on the ground and opened his eyes to look around.

Under the starlight, Su Yan’s white clothes fluttered about with the night breeze, she was like a fairy descending with the full moon hanging behind her.

Her grand and clean aura made people become more modest for no apparent reason.

Ka cha cha…..could be heard from all directions as ice started to form all over Kai Yang’s body. Soon, he had become an immense ice block.

obvious, it was also as clear as glass. It was so clear that every single strand of Kai Yang’s hair could be seen, even his

only turning to look at Kai Yang mysteriously before turning around and returning

her leaving was clearly seen by

ice it will be the start of his success!” Su Xuan

that he started perspire: “Grandpa, senior Kai won’t

Xuan Wu gently laughed: “He won’t,

reassuring Su Mu he

to the ice block containing Kai Yang. Each and everyone of them surrounded that enormous ice block, tapping away at

is this good?” ** didn’t have any sort of filter, so as soon as he thought of it he said it, he was glared at by Su Mu: “Didn’t you hear my grandfather say, this is senior Kai’s good fortune, huh? Everybody don’t move, if this ice breaks and hurts senior, it won’t be good. We’ll just stand guard

group of people

of the night (3-5 am in current time), there had still been no movement from the ice block and Kai Yang continued to stay in it like the living dead. His breath shallow, he could only continue to look

to leave two people behind to guard Kai

a small attic was a large ice block, and inside that was a living person. Looking

still showed no signs of breaking. This

Kai Yang didn’t feel the flow of time; although his eyes were open, he couldn’t

was on comprehending the changes occurring within

the energy brought along with it, and sensing how that warmth would

him, provided him with the perfect place to comprehend what was happening

Yang could not resist, but he managed to resists every time. Each time,

times, thousands of times, allowed Kia Yang to understand the mysteries of the golden skeleton and why it could amplify his

hotter, and it would do so until the day he finally comprehended what was occurring. This flame continued to burn peacefully, until it finally started to send heat waves out

breaking sound

who were currently on the guarding shift were startled but they quickly

saw small numerous cracks appearing all over the ice block, with the cracks resembling the

about to come out!” Su Mu cried with enthusiasm and

said those words, the ice block exploded and the shards

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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