Martial Peak

Chapter 99

Chapter 99 – Battling Nu Lang

Translator – Luffy

Editor – Ben

In the space between them their hands became locked together. Kai Yang’s fist had violently attacked Nu Lang’s hands, but they had both caught each other’s attack and interlocked fingers to prevent the other from retreating.

At this moment, World Qi from both of them simultaneously burst out, fiercely colliding within their palms.

“What?” Nu Lang was astonished. He discovered that Kai Yang’s World Qi was more overbearing than his own and he wasn’t able to resist it for a long time.

How is this possible? The difference between their strength was so large, it was impossible for Kai Yang to be a threat to him. But looking at the facts in front of him it looked like he couldn’t afford to be careless.

If he refused to back down now, perhaps his fingers would be burnt to a crisp.

Thinking about this Nu Lang hurriedly withdrew, jumping back several feet. While he was withdrawing he hastily dissolved the Kai Yang’s burning hot World Qi which was invading his body.

Looking at Kai Yang, Nu Lang became even more surprised because his move had failed to break even one of Kai Yang’s fingers.

Although Kai Yang’s fingers had holes in them, it hadn’t gone as planned, with the grasp a moment ago he should have been able to crumble Kai Yang’s fist.

This boy…….really has some methods. No wonder my brothers were all killed by him. Looks like it wasn’t just luck after all, Nu Lang was forced to become serious.

Kai Yang shook his fist, after looking down at his hands, when he lifted his head his eyes contained even more excitement and anticipation.

blood boil with excitement, feeling the pain from his wound, feeling the pressure from the enemy, all of

and determination to rise, only this

moment had

Yang didn’t need to suppress

Kai Yang. With this power Kai Yang felt like a whole new

Will. During those times he would become a little perplexed, because even though he would win he didn’t understand the reason for his win, it would

a huge quantity of energy pouring out

apex predator in the jungle. His eyes were staring at Nu Lang stubbornly, Kai

was a basic punch just like the one moments

Death!” Nu Lang sneered, although he was surprised by Kai Yang’s World Qi, based on Kai Yang’s strength he wouldn’t be able to hurt him. As long as he

will once again be injured by me, just like a moment ago, only this time his whole fist will be crushed. It could be said that Kai Yang had chosen quite the

Yang’s fist

the second confrontation, Nu Lang felt that something was not quite right, because the might of Kai Yang’s fist had become greater than the punch a moment ago, the

suddenly reached the initial

at the initial element fourth level or fifth level, in his eyes they were like commoners, they couldn’t threaten him, rather they can simply

in hot pursuit, his fingers

countering with his fists, left fist then right fist in a rhythmic manner. Although the injuries on his hands were not light he was still able to block all of Nu Lang’s attacks. He

with each sound Kai Yang’s body would fall back several

carried a determination, a will to win this fight had been born in his heart, he was simply

however at present it seemed like Nu Lang had the upper hand. After all he was an entire boundary

Yang’s hot World Qi. Each of his fingers had been covered in blisters. His fingers felt like they were

Nu Lang wouldn’t be shocked. What

first confrontation Kai Yang was merely a trivial initial element fourth level practitioner, such a level wasn’t

their second confrontation he had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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