Martial Peak

Chapter 101

Chapter 101- A Flagrant Provocation

Translator – Luffy

Editor – Erza & Ben

A long and loud cry rang out from Kai Yang, matching his body’s bloodthirsty beast-like appearance. Kai Yang’s cry easily reached the clouds; echoing continuously throughout the mountain valley.

“Bastards of the Blood Group, come and fight with me.” This was a call to battle, a flagrant provocation. “I am here and I am waiting for you.”

He didn’t care if those words would bring him trouble. After all, before Nu Lang died he had also given away his position with his dying howl. Although the mountain valley only covered an area of several dozen miles in radius, in this dead quiet night, you were easily able to hear the slightest of sounds. So those people were most likely already rushing towards them.

At this moment the safest choice would be to leave the area. After fighting three battles, one after another and killing five people, Kai Yang’s World Qi was greatly depleted. Whilst his body had also received many wounds; both light and serious in nature. How could he confront people from the Blood Group in this state?

Leaving that place and recovering his strength, before finding an opportunity to get rid of them, was without a doubt the best option.

But Kai Yang couldn’t leave, rather he would not leave. The reason being his strength had reached its peak, and if he left, his heart would become reluctant towards the idea of battling stronger opponents. He had decided he would live his life with an immovable will; if it weren’t for his persistence, he would just be a simple person at the initial element boundary fourth level.

With the enemies moving towards Kai Yang at full speed they arrived at his location quickly, however upon doing so they were highly surprised.

All his efforts were for the simple goal of leaving Xia Ning Chang time to meditate and recover without any disturbances.

The strength of this group from the Blood Group was much higher than those who were from Storm House. Most of them were cultivators of the separation and reunion boundaries. Cultivators at this level could easily kill Kai Yang, it would be like killing an ant. But their strength was currently being sealed by the Nine Cloud Eight Locks seal, so their present strength couldn’t be estimated.

Chang opened her eyes suddenly; her

has not died! He

Chang almost

His strength was far too low and opposing

risking his life for her, yet she couldn’t help him at all. But looking at her own condition, which had yet to even stabilize, it wasn’t good. When Kai Yang walked out she

situation, Xia Ning Chang felt extremely guilty. She was such a pure lady, thinking that all of

of this entire

Xia Ning Chang finally felt relieved, because Kai Yang was safe and his voice contained traces of his excitement along with a fearless

he was facing at present, Xia Ning Chang thought that she could only try to recover her strength as soon as possible and then

of mountain valley, both Wen Fei Chen, who was hurrying to dissolve the Yin Qi

he heard that sound, Wen Fei Chen’s brows wrinkled, his concentration broke and he spat out

Wen Fei Chen angrily cursed, because he had been at a crucial moment when he

Wen, how was the process of undoing the sealing?”

his head slowly: “It doesn’t look too good. This seal has surpassed my expectations and experience. I don’t know whose disciple

also locked his dantian. This caused his strength to only reach as high as the qi transformation stages third

Chen was fuming and he wished he could kill Kai Yang and that female over and over again. A true element fifth boundary master had unexpectedly been tricked by those two juniors. When had he ever been subjected

to worry. Just now he has dared to expose himself, so he will surely die.” Long Hui looked quite self assured; the corner of his mouth even carried a

meaning of Kai Yang’s howl. That howl was not the desperate howl of person meeting his end, rather it was

was a trivial initial element boundary fourth staged disciple,

Fei Chen thought something wasn’t quite right, but he didn’t take the matter to heart, thinking that Kai

and experience taught you anything? -_- TRUST YOUR

different thoughts regarding this situation, while outside the mountain valley there was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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