Martial Peak

Chapter 116

*Author’s note: This is the last chapter of this volume. (Yay! We’ve come so far. *sniffs)

Kai Yang became extremely panicked.

This occurrence was completely out of his predictions. Even though he knew, from his various experimentations, that he was able to absorb other types of energy apart from Yang Qi and store it within his bones he hadn’t thought it would occur without him actively trying to do so. But now, he had absorbed half of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal? Not to mention that the speed at which he had done so was quite fast.

This object was something that Xia Ning Chang needed, so what should he do?

Turning his head around, Kai Yang looked over awkwardly. Not knowing how to explain what had just happened, Xia Ning Chang had already arrived at his side, bringing with her, her natural fragrance.

Currently, the cheeks of his little senior sister were bright red, coupled with equally red earlobes. Breathing rapidly, bashful shyness could clearly be seen within those crystal clear eyes of hers.

“Junior brother……..please bear with it for a while.” Speaking suddenly, Xia Ning Chang reached out with her hand and wrapped it around Kai Yang’s head. Then she pulled his head down towards her.

Her hands were somewhat cool, but felt supple, as if there were no bones within them. They were like a fresh winter snowflake which had descended, giving Kai Yang a chill.

Standing on her tippy-toes, Xia Ning Chang closed her eyes while her long lashes fluttered. Lifting up her veil, her red precious gemstone lips sealed themselves over Kai Yang’s mouth.

With two soft lips pressing onto his own a sweet and alluring scent wafted at the tip of Kai Yang’s nose.

Kai Yang was stunned.

At that time, Kai Yang finally realised the reason why whenever he asked questions regarding the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, both Treasurer Meng and Xia Ning Chang dodged the questions and were so unwilling to respond.

Originally Kai Yang didn’t know the root of this dilemma, but everything had suddenly become clear.

heavens and the earth, there were thousands of methods to collect things. Each object with spiritual awareness had it’s own method. While the collection

pairs of lips interlocked, causing Kai Yang’s breathing to become more ragged. From his throat, a burning sensation started to arise; so hot it was, that even the Nine Yin Dew Crystal couldn’t suppress it

state. After kissing, she stood there like a buddha statue, not moving an inch, while her skin was blood-red. Not to mention the beating of her heart sounded like the drums of war, as she stood there completely at a loss on

capture the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, at the very least, he knew that it wouldn’t be

and pulled her into his embrace. Securing her, he wrapped his tongue around the crystal before prying open her mouth,

the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, Xia Ning Chang managed to regain a bit

together. More so with Kai Yang’s ** upper body, became more and more sensitive. Being the young

wrapped tightly around Xia Ning Chang, while his other had gone

his chest, her warmth, Kai Yang’s breathing couldn’t help by quicken. Carefully and attentively, he maneuvered his hands to wantonly rub those

full of pleasure came from Xia Ning Chang’s mouth. Kai Yang could clearly see her closed eyes open slightly, as her eyelashes fluttered. When

male and and female to

hurt, making

opportunity, Xia Ning Chang pushed on Kai Yang’s chest. Nibbling lightly, she escaped from Kai

Yang could feel that his tongue had been cut

and down. Breathing in deep breaths, she strived to calm her racing heartbeat, before responding after awhile: “I’m sorry. In order to refine the Nine

The purer the better,

in order to refine it, you needed natural inborn Yang attributed Qi and

inborn Yang Qi was something that couldn’t be cultivated. It was something that all males were born with. At birth, males are born with a mysterious energy, and until they had intimate relationships with a female it would remain. Even if it did

was needed at certain times,

felt, the energy that had enveloped the Nine Yin Dew Crystal’s cold, was precisely his natural inborn

Treasurer Meng was adamant in knowing whether or not Kai Yang was a virgin. It was only virgin boys that still possessed

his mouth and seriously replied: “So it was like this. Is it enough? If it’s


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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