Martial Peak

Chapter 130

Chapter 130: One’s own plans The four people was done resting for a while now. They were all waiting for Yang Kai to get back. Meanwhile, Nie Yong was whispering to himself, cursing Yang Kai.

After Yang Kai arrived, Lan Chudie took a deep breath. Her gigantic chest expanded, till the clothes around them stretched to its extreme limits. She looked at all the member and asked “Is everyone done?”

(My god! Those are some big and hard tits…)

“Yeah!” Nie Yong said excitedly.

“Then we will do it again.” Lan Chudie turned her vision to Yang Kai. “Do you want to change roles?”

Yang Kai shook his head, “There’s no need. After the first attempt, I already experience the dangers and I’m confident in surviving now.”

He was not willing to battle with those stone statues. After all, hitting them with his fist would also injure him.

“Alright then. Looks like we will be depending on you again.” Lan Chudie smiled while she schemes.

Whenever she smiled, Yang Kai had a vague feeling that it was a gift for someone venturing into danger.

(Wow… Her smile is a gift? WTF?)

If she was smiling to Nie Yong, it was for encouragement. However, this was not the case for Yang Kai.

Without delving too much into it, Yang Kai ran back to the area to lure the stone statues.

This time, although Yang Kai did his task perfectly, the group messed up. When it was time to lure two away, they were blocked by another stone statue. Dealing with three stone statues confused their positions and nearly cause some casualties.

After those three were dealt with, Yang Kai came back with two more and they were also quickly destroyed.

Even after the incident, the group’s moral was high. They had managed to receive two stone babies!

Now, the group has managed to collect four stone babies. With just one more, the group can finally distribute amongst themselves.

Yang Kai was filled with excitement. After all, the thing he most lacks in combat was finally going to land in his hands. Naturally, he wished for them to be already able to divide the Martial Skill Technique.

process. They would lure, then

their 30th stone statue, they were unable to receive any stone babies. Each time they looked forward to searching the rubble remains, they were all excited, to only end up with

to isolate two from the group. Likewise, the stone

Lan Chudie and the rest tried to isolate two of the stone statues, to only be chase by numerous stone statues. They ended

The whole thing quickly becomes increasingly dangerous. However, the fifth stone baby

this, we would definitely have some kind

sets of Martial Skill but

to let go of a Martial Skill. After all, they had worked so hard for these past few days just thinking about

idea and smiled at Yang Kai lightly, “ Lan Female Apprentice had said it before. We will allocate the treasures based on contributions. Since Yang fellow apprentice is the weakest out of us four, then, shouldn’t you


continued, “Naturally, Yang Fellow apprentice also worked hard

wrinkled but did not speak. After

Yang Kai, “How is that fair! Like any of us have enough money to compensate for a Martial

corner of his eyes, he was secretly looking at Lan Chudie, waiting

Chudie’s decision will decide Yang Kai’s following actions from this point

Chudie kept silent, causing Yang Kai

Lan Chudie said, “We will try one more time to see if we can obtain another one of those stone babies. It is not good that one of us is left with nothing. But, I will guarantee

words seemed to be addressing toward the group but Yang

note that our intentions are good.” Lan Chudie

did not lookback at her and nodded, setting out to walk towards the

pupils flashes through a light apology but

with the task and could carry it out with ease. However,

the others would then take the opportunity to lure two

“Nie Yong, lure

me?” Nie Yong

baiting them was an easy task? Since Yang Kai could lure a hundred, what are two

said that it was easy?” Nie Yong cursed. However, he did not have the means to oppose the will of these two females. Without a choice, he went out to attack two stone statues and lured

had planned on luring out only two, Nie Yong accidentally lured out three. This made matters difficult but after experiencing combat for a while, they

people were fighting, Yang Kai routed back, close to the combat zone. He climbed on top of a stone pillar to look behind him to find that there were still some stone statues chasing

good. Yang Kai exclaimed in his heart as half of his

idea of luring all the stone statues back to trap Lan Chudie and others while they were fighting. However, Yang Kai changed his plans as he did

to defeat them. That was good enough already. All Yang Kai needed was to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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