Martial Peak

Chapter 139

The Old Man could not help but look up to Yang Kai.

The truth is, Yang Kai seemed to have endless Yuan Qi only because he has the ability to accumulate them.

The True Yang Secret Arts that Yang Kai cultivates and the Martial Skill that Yang Kai had just received both share similar abilities. Both are able to store an accumulated amount of Yuan Qi. True Yang Secret Art allows Yang Kai to absorb Yang Yuan Qi and turn it into Yang Liquid, storing it in his Dantian. Meanwhile, this Martial Skill allows Yang Kai to inject his Yuan Qi into a pocket of space, which can be used in the form of an explosion.

However, there are some differences between the two. In his Dantian, Yang Kai is able to store limitless amounts of Yang Liquid. Meanwhile, the space from the Star Chart on his hand was different. It had a limit.

Yang Kai spent two days converting 10 drops of Yang Liquid into Yuan Qi and injected it into the space. He could feel the saturation in it.

Once Yang Kai felt that it was enough, he began to revolve True Yang Secret Arts to restore his Yuan Qi once again. Whenever he felt the Star Chart on the back of his hand crave for more Yuan Qi, he would inject more into the space and rinse and repeat the process. It was an easy Martial Skill that took little time to master. It was the perfect Martial Skill for Yang Kai.

Two more days passed, and Yang Kai opened his eyes to find that the Star Chart now looked more lifelike. The constellations seemed as though it was real, and grew on his hand. It was now comparable to the stars of the night sky!

By simply concentrating, Yang Kai managed to make the Star Chart invisible, as it hides under his skin.

Yang Kai took a deep breath and exhaled. The Star Chart was an outstanding attention magnet. It would no doubt raise suspicions, causing potential problems. Thankfully, it is easy to conceal..

Yang Kai recalled something and asked the old man, “You said that you have seen this Martial skill before. Do you know its name?”

“I apologise for my incompetence, Young Hero, but I cannot recall”. The old man’s voice sounded as horrific as before but had a tad bit more obedience in it after two days.

Yang Kai’s eyes sparkled. Although he does not know what caused it, he could tell that the Old Man has gained a newfound respect for the boy.

“Alright. I’ll give you an opportunity. Help me give it a name.” Yang Kai remembered himself previously taking a while to decide on a name for the Burning Sun’s Blast. With the old man’s presence, why not make use of him to choose a name that may strike fear in enemies’ hearts? What’s more, the old man is seasoned. Surely, a simple task as thinking of a name is easy for him.

“Yes!” The voice that had been silent for a long time changed its tone. “Since there is a Star Chart on the back of your hand, why don’t we call it the Star Mark?”

“Star Mark… The mark of stars…” Yang Kai muttered before nodding, “Yes. Star Mark sounds good!”

The old man zealously congratulated Yang Kai. “Congratulations in mastering the Star Mark, Young Hero! With such unparalleled talents and matchless vigour, there will come a day when everyone will only look up to your figure in awe!”

Yang Kai coldly snorted, “Humph!”

The Old Man shut up after realising that his flattery produced an undesirable effect.

“Have you thought of a means to save your life?” Yang Kai provocated.

petitioned, “Young Hero! If you spare me,

would be this cave. All I have to do is to look around, meaning I don’t need you. So remind me, what is the point of keeping you alive with this information in hand? If you ask me, you living is against

“Young Hero. Please have mercy! I will recognise you as my sole master for life! As long as

Yang Kai’s opinion seemed to sway as he opened his mouth to answer, “How do I know if what you are

am currently trapped within your body and I have no idea how to escape. You can kill me with a snap of your fingers. Young

such evil around was revolting to him, he thought it’d be a waste to kill him, given his

obtain as much knowledge as he could this Old

Hero. If you spare my life, I will show you how to use the Sacred Treasure I kept here. However, if you kill me, you

“Why?” Yang Kai asked.

Souls of victims when it makes contact! Young Hero, your Yuan Qi’s

deep breath as he responded naught once again, and

the decision Yang Kai makes now would determine his life and death. Naturally, he dared not interrupt. His chances of dying were already fairly high, and he did not

long time did Yang Kai speak again. “How do I get recognized as your master? What

and he spoke like he was shivering in the cold, “Young Master, please relax. This

Yang Kai’s lips

were in the Immortal Ascension Boundary, you do not have the

hurry!” Yang Kai demanded

would fear to take upon themselves such a risky endeavour. Yang Kai, however, was able to catch the bull

by absorbing his Immortal Soul into his golden bones. If Yang Kai feels such an attack begin to occur again,

enough, the old man had no evil intention in fear of Yang Kai. He submerges into the boy’s mind with a wisp of his Divine Sense, carefully and neutrally passing the boy

man then finally spoke, “Young Master, it’s done. From now on, this old servant’s life and death

Old Man. However, it

your Immortal Soul’s Spirit Essence?” Yang Kai asked in

myself, but Young Master, you don’t have to be too worried. I will not make you lose anything. So, can you please

Kai confidently grunted and spread out his

thinking, he can

the next moment, a pitiful yell emerged. It was almost as though

this Old Servant for his

“If you dare have any disloyal thoughts, I will torture you

he was shaking with fear. With what has happened,

(Damn! Took you long enough to

to completely subdue the Old Man, Yang Kai breathed a

I call you?” Yang Kai

vaguely remember others calling me the Old Demon! But, I cannot say for certain

forehead pressed against his brows, “Old Demon? You seriously are a devil

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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