Martial Peak

Chapter 197

Across the Endless Sea, a fast flying figure could be seen, on that figures’ back, there were two bird-like wings, but this pair of wings, were made entirely of bright burning flames, soaring past, even the air seemed like it was burning.

Yang Kai had left the island a day ago; for an entire day and night he had been flying, his hands carrying two big sacks, one parcel held all the Precious Treasures collected from the island, the other held the items from the stone shelves.

Holding these two heavy packages of things while flying was not a pleasant experience. There were several times Yang Kai was tempted to simply thrown them into the sea, but eventually he could not bring himself to do it.

His dantian’s Yang Liquid was depleting quickly due to the Flaming Yang Wings’ Yuan Qi consumption being enormous. After only a single day’s effort, he had already used nearly two hundred drops of Yang Liquid; if not for his relentless preparations, Yang Kai would definitely not have had enough to support him all the way back to Sea City.

He had also left the insects behind on the island; although these insects were very obedient, and also had many useful abilities, Yang Kai could not think of a way to take them away, and was reluctantly forced let them stay.

The Endless Sea lived up to its name, the blue waves rising and falling beneath him seemed to join together with the infinite blue sky, letting people give birth to a feeling of being lost in this vast expanse, helpless to escape and an anxiety that develops into fear.

The good news was that it had been good weather all day; the storms Yang Kai had worried about were nowhere in sight.

Having flown for so long, Yang Kai was really exhausted, the harsh wind blowing in his face made it feel numb till the point he thought it would fall off. Although his physical consumption was serious, his spirit was not tired. Yang Kai guessed that this was related to him receiving the Soul Warming Lotus. With this supreme Heaven and Earth Treasure constantly sustaining his soul, naturally he wouldn’t feel fatigued.

Squinting, about fifty miles in front of him, Yang Kai saw the outline of an island and became excited, quickly turning towards it and flying over.

Shortly after, he touched down. With the Flaming Yang Wings, crossing this amount of distance was nothing.

Landing on it, Yang Kai saw that this piece of land couldn’t really be called an island, more like a few square feet in area rock, which had somehow emerged from the sea.

Not caring in the slightest, Yang Kai threw down his sacs and collapsed onto the rock, unable to move, gasping for breath.

After a long rest, Yang Kai finally recovered some of his strength, his hands rubbing his face, slowly restoring feeling to it.

“Don’t worry young master, you have not even reached the True Element Boundary, once you do you can use your True Qi to protect your body, then flying long distances will not be so difficult.” Old Demon comforted.

“Now I understand why those below the True Element Boundary who have flying artifacts refuse to use them easily, it really is uncomfortable.” Yang Kai clicked his tongue.

“Actually, young master’s performance could be considered exceptional, if you had not earlier refined those few blood clotting beads, substantially increasing your own blood force, it would have been impossible to hold on for so long.”

After spending the greater part of a day restoring his physical strength, Yang Kai set out again.

It was another day and night before he saw the distant sight of land appear again.

However, the Flaming Yang Wings on his back stood out too much, and the two sacs he was carrying had many things which could not be exposed, otherwise it would provoke a life and death disaster. So Yang Kai deliberately searched for a remote location and determined no one was around before landing.

Checking himself, his dantian now only had a few dozen drops of Yang Liquid left. In these past two days of time, he had spent more than four hundred drops of Yang Liquid; this kind of consumption, if he had not over prepared earlier, he would never have made it.

should not be far from Sea City, because on the Red Cloud Sect’s ship, every

time, he finally found a main

the two sacs he was carrying were definitely eye catching. If

and managed to ask the old couple in charge for directions, finally having some idea of

Sea City was around

was, Yang Kai re-opened his Flaming Yang Wings and flew in the direction of Sea

all his

not to go directly into the city,

sea breeze was blowing into the house, making

the house was exactly the same as it was that night he was taken; obviously the old man and the silent little

for him and the little

and secluded place nearby, Yang Kai carefully hid the two sacks, only taking an Earth

day later, Yang Kai appeared in

went around to inquire about useful news. A few days later, Yang Kai had a firm grasp of current events, returning that

Although the deaths of the three Jiang ladies had little to do with the Red Cloud Sect, they were nonetheless somewhat related, not to mention, Yang Kai and the Red Cloud Sect had irreconcilable grudges. On top of all that, the silent little girl’s parents were also likely

as he quietly flew

he needed to do was wait and

Ancient Cloud

their cultivation and performed their duties, dealing with the island’s

Red Cloud Sect, whether it was its heritage or the

a hundred years geniuses, and even though they were not on the level of those monsters from transcendent factions like the

all knew a secret that could not be discussed inside the Main Sect. It was that three hundred years ago, the Sect had lost its supreme

Island Great Sect had

to two, those two would pass it on to three more, private discussion were filled with such chatter, everyone was

was nothing special; after having stayed on the island for several years she was now

in a remote place on Ancient Cloud Island, and was responsible for feeding a few peacocks that also lived there. These peacocks were the favourite pets of one of the Island’s Elders, and usually she had nothing to do in addition to taking care

just doing what

opened the door as usual to feed those obviously more important than her peacocks, but after only stepping outside, she saw a dagger

write me a letter

with her eyes, she saw that there was a message written on it stating, “Ancient

this was one of her

status, lack of contacts, and average looks, there was always some annoying

was too strange, actually saying it was for the “Island Lord,

or the Elders, why would it be inserted into my door!?] Zhong Miao

quite annoyed, she eventually opened the letter and took out what appeared to be an old yellow page from some

whispered, “Broken

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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