Martial Peak

Chapter 201

“Fuck! Everyone! Run!” The Miao Family only had three Separation and Reunion Boundary guards in the manor, and in less than thirty breaths they had been butchered without being able to resist, those who remained were only Qi Transformation Stage cultivators, how could they dare to stay? Suddenly eerie sounds floated out.

*Ka kaka* Old Demon cackled, his Soul Breaker Awl flitting back and forth, every time it flashed, another life would be taken. It was not long before more than a dozen of these old men, all Qi Transformation Stage guards, were lying on the ground.

With dead bodies strewn all over, the stench of blood filling the air, Yang Kai’s Yuan Qi whirled around like a violent storm, his whole body covered in Evil Qi, coupled with his dark clothes, he truly looked like a demon.

*Bang!* The courtyard’s main door burst open and Miao Hua Cheng rushed out from the house. The first thing he saw was the chaotic scene Yang Kai had painted, suddenly feeling a cold chill run down his spine.

He had heard the ruckus Yang Kai had caused since he arrived to make trouble for the Miao Family, but with two naked beauties before him, he had been reluctant to get involved, barely managing to force himself up. However, even if he knew a battle was going on outside, he first had to get dressed, or else wouldn’t he have to fight naked?

While he changed though, the continuous screams of the guards had made him panic, even forgetting to do up all his buttons.

Donning his hastily worn robes, he finally rushed out and was stunned to see that none of the guards had survived; all of them lay dead at his feet.

Only about a hundred feet in front of him he saw a man wrapped in black clothes, slowly stepping towards him. However, his swirling Yuan Qi, although violent, still indicated that he was only peak Qi Transformation Stage.

This discovery allowed Miao Hua Cheng’s panicking heart to settle somewhat.

“Who are you?” Miao Hua Cheng roared furiously, his hate filled eyes staring at Yang Kai.

The other side did not answer, instead gradually accelerating his pace.

“You court death!” Miao Hua Cheng raged, and also began advancing towards Yang Kai, the distance between the two quickly closing.

It wasn’t until they reached thirty feet from each other that Miao Hua Cheng suddenly pointed his finger towards Yang Kai, a sharp wind rushed out, emitting a whistling sound.

Yang Kai instinctively shifted his body, letting the wind brush past, leaving only a small bloodstain.

Miao Hua Cheng was shocked, he had not expected that at such a close distance, the other side had actually escaped his own attack, but he did not panic, instead laughing maliciously he launched another finger.

This was not a high grade martial skill, but it won in terms of speed and Yuan Qi consumption, making it difficult for opponents to face.

While launching his attack, his eyes suddenly lost trace of Yang Kai, and the next moment, Miao Hua Cheng felt a blistering heat approaching his back.

“You little shit!” Although he was shocked by Yang Kai’s speed, Miao Hua Cheng was still a peak Separation and Reunion Boundary cultivator, how could he not have some hidden tricks.

using some unknown movement skill, Miao Hua Cheng shot forward several tens of

palm skill, pushing his Yuan Qi to the limit, he shouted,

sound of wind could be heard vaguely, and Miao Hua Cheng’s two palms suddenly became blurred, one by one emitting wind blades invisible

sense were unusually sharp, allowing him

image flashed, swiftly

a line of cracks on the

his speed a little, he shouted, “Let’s

a dozen wind blades flew out at the same time, blocking off any escape route Yang Kai

Yang Yuan Qi, his whole body emitting a dazzling flame as bright as the sun, crossing his arms in front of his chest, he braced himself for

all over his chest, arms, neck, and thighs. The cuts

failed to take the other’s life. It could even be said that those injuries were only minor

vigorous and pure, able to withstand

Yang Kai suffer such a loss, Old Demon was furious and implored him to let him attack, but

he wanted to

only was he doing this to explore the full extent of his current strength, but Yang Kai also wanted to use this battle to consolidate his sensibility and break through. If he had Old Demon’s

only encourage him to be careful and no longer interfered, just waiting within the Soul Breaker Awl,

only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. His expression showed unyielding determination, mocking laughter, madness, bloodlust, and

Hua Cheng frowned, calling out, “Young man,

it was vaguely familiar, but

of a little beggar covered in dirt. How could Miao Hua Cheng possibly associate this awe-inspiring,

answer came, the other side simply refused

little bastard, you dare act presumptuously in my Miao Family Home, you court death!” Miao Hua Cheng no longer bothered talking, activating

with him, sometimes attacking with his palms, sometimes

found himself at a disadvantage, only able to passively defend himself. On the other hand Miao Hua Cheng’s momentum continued to increase,

suffering losses, and could

this gap between life and death to consolidate his own martial arts sensibility in order to push

Yang Kai’s behavior could be described as walking a wire at

burned stronger and stronger; it was as if he could

being suppressed, with only his peak Qi Transformation Stage cultivation he was still putting up

to kill Yang Kai. Although he had given him multiple injuries, the other side always managed to avoid death, and had actually managed to not

faintly began to

rioting Yuan Qi was slowly showing signs of convergence, the frequency of his counterattacks were increasing and becoming more

from ascending to the next realm begin to shake, causing him to focus even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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