Martial Peak

Chapter 224

Jin Hao and the young woman both grieved as they mourned Yu Cheng Kun’s death. The only comfort they had was that the little brat from High Heaven Pavilion was also dead, so at least their disciple brother would have company on the road to the Yellow Springs.

After waiting by the cliff side for a while just in case, the two eventually decided to leave.

This cliff was extremely high and, not knowing if there was any danger lurking below, they did not dare to descend in order to retrieve Yu Cheng Kun’s body, they could only allow time to bury him in this strange wilderness.

Beneath the cliff, Yang Kai hovered about with his Flaming Yang Wings before softly landing beside Yu Cheng Kun’s Blood Bead, swiftly collecting it.

[Worthy of a True Element Boundary elite, this Blood Bead is more than double the size of one condensed from a Separation and Reunion cultivator, roughly the size of a longan; the energy contained within this one is also significantly richer.]

Yang Kai had already experienced the sweetness of refining Blood Beads, so after obtaining such a large one, his thoughts began to wander. If he could kill every True Element Boundary cultivator that entered here, how great would his harvest be?

Back at the lake, Yang Kai had estimated that the number of cultivators who had entered this isolated world was around two or three hundred.

With two or three hundred Blood Beads of this size, would it not be easy to break through to the True Element Boundary? Thinking until here, Yang Kai could not help trembling, quickly reigning in his wild ideas for fear that they might permanently stain his heart with murderous hostility.

Storing this Blood Bead in the Universe Bag in his sleeve, Yang Kai quickly scanned his surroundings before dashing off in a random direction.

This huge valley obscured by clouds was surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs over ten thousand steps high. For an ordinary person, it would be absolutely impossible to climb down safely. Even if one’s strength had reached the True Element Boundary, without knowing what dangers lay hidden beneath the clouds, they would be highly unlikely to descend here.

Wandering around the valley for a day or so, Yang Kai gradually began to understand the terrain here, unable to suppress some joy from welling up inside him. Given the surrounding geography, he was certain he would not meet any other cultivators; therefore, he would not have to worry about meeting any more opponents he could not handle.

Along the way, he had also beheaded several Fourth-Order Monster Beasts and gained a small harvest.

As long as he had enough time, his strength would definitely increase, meaning that when he eventually left here, he would no longer have to worry about those True Element Boundary cultivators.

In this immense valley, Yang Kai continued exploring and hunting, every day reaping some harvest, carefully avoiding the occasional Fifth-Order Monster Beast he encountered, not wanting conflict with such a beast yet.

A dozen days later, Yang Kai had gathered more than thirty Monster Beast Blood Beads.

Finding a safe place to spend a few quiet hours, he quickly refined and absorbed them clean. Coupled with the Blood Bead condensed from the dead Yu Cheng Kun, Yang Kai felt like had reached the bottleneck at the top of Separation and Reunion Fourth Stage, only needing a little more before he could break through again.

It was a very satisfying harvest.

However, the number of Monster Beasts within this valley seemed to be limited. With the passage of time, Yang Kai began to find it difficult to find Fourth-Order Monster Beasts to behead, and although he had discovered a few Fifth-Order Monster Beasts, Yang Kai really did not want to engage in a costly battle with them.

After running a circle around the whole valley, Yang Kai gradually returned to the place he had originally landed.

Pondering for a while, Yang Kai eventually decided to explore the valley’s central region to see if he could find any more Monster Beasts. If there was also nothing there, his only choice would be to leave the valley and try to find a new hunting ground.

a few Monster Beasts along the way and swiftly harvesting their Blood Beads. However, as he moved

could not even see

doubt rising in his heart, Yang

came to a halt and stared, wide-eyed in front of him, his face filled with an astonished

him was an

white skeleton quietly lying on the ground, but even from so far away, Yang

least a hundred meters tall with a length that was uncertain, its bones flashing an ivory-like luster. Even after so long, it still maintained such a state, not yielding to the river of time, standing

massive skeleton, Yang Kai could not even imagine what kind of power and majesty this Monster Beast possessed

his initial shock, Yang Kai slowly

not just a single skeleton here. Rather,

but no less exquisite. At first glance, these two skeletons seemed

must have

of a violent struggle; these two Monster Beasts, one great and one small, had fought to mutual

Beast had clearly torn through giant one’s belly, but the former dealt

wind and sun, along with the dust and rain, had buried all traces of this

not small, his eyes never once leaving the

ground, it still towered over a hundred meters high, and this was only the part of

a strong and powerful aura, with such a towering body; it must have been an extraordinarily

what kind of Earth shattering heritage did the smaller Monster Beast hail from that

Beasts they were?” Yang Kai stood dazed for a

only their remains, it’s impossible to

giant white bones, but as soon as he did, a burst of noise

reaction as all the other bones in these two skeletons gave of a

exist here? Even this unfathomably strong pair of Monster Beasts could

while, a light flashed across Yang Kai’s eyes,

looking for Young Master?” Old Demon asked, slightly

powerful, how could their Blood

so many

here, do you believe

Old Servant…” Old Demon

laughed lightly, “Even for me, I only wound up here because I was desperately escaping and had no

mean that no Monster Beasts…” Old Demon suddenly paused, realizing that for the past few days as they were journeying here they had

Monster Beasts daring to approach here, the Blood Beads of

too lazy to keep explaining, and having already laid things out up to here, Old Demon would certainly be able to draw his own conclusions. Finished speaking, Yang Kai drew out a drop of Yang Liquid, shaped it into a

wasting a drop of Yang Liquid on that… he couldn’t find a

close-by. At the very least, those present would have snapped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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