Martial Peak

Chapter 229

Hearing all this, Yang Kai’s expression sank as he secretly regretted his own careless actions; uncertain if anyone else had observed this scene. If they had, it would likely lead to something troublesome.

How could he have known that a trivial healing pill had actually become a rare and valuable treasure?

“Brother Chen, can you come here for a moment?” Wu Cheng Yi suddenly called out, which prompted Chen Xue Shu to whisper to Yang Kai, “Brother Yang, please wait a moment, I’ll be right back.”

“En.” Yang Kai simply nodded.

After Chen Xue Shu left, Yang Kai looked around and found that many people were staring at him with great interest.

This group of people had not seen a new face for a very long time. They had long since thought that the scattered Great Han Dynasty cultivators had all died, but now, seeing this unfamiliar Yang Kai, naturally their curiosity was piqued, especially since it seemed Yang Kai was alone. They could not understand how a single person could escape the grasp of the Tian Lang Dynasty cultivators.

Yang Kai also swept his eyes over the crowd and received a slight nod from the four Ten Thousand Flower Palace girls.

These four girls had entered Nether Mountain together with Yang Kai, and although they had not spoken, they had once traveled and faced danger together, so naturally they were more comfortable with each other.

Yang Kai smiled in return.

While observing this group, two people suddenly stood up and walked over, led by an exceptionally beautiful woman. She had a tall stature and wore a tight fitting green dress, which completely outlined her enchanting body. Her full breasts and well-rounded bottom were naturally highlighted along with her slender legs and fully exposed lotus like arms. Her skin resembled a pure white jade-like crystal, sparkling like fine porcelain tinged with a slight seductive luster. Even her delicate fingers, adorned with a bright red nail polish, seemed to enhance her charm. She was no doubt an alluring beauty.

(PewPewLaserGun: Yeash, could the author not have just said she was hot and moved on… ugh)

(Silavin: Where is the fun in that?)

However, what drew everyone’s attention the most was no doubt this woman’s towering pair of trembling breasts, full and shapely, exquisite in every way. Among the women Yang Kai had met, only Lan Chudie could possibly be compared with her.

(Silavin: Damn…)

She exuded a mature and dangerous charm, like a beautiful snake charming its prey. Leisurely standing there, her pair of spring-like eyes stared towards Yang Kai, a meaningful smile adorning her seductive lips.

Behind her followed a towering bear of a man, a proud tiger like presence with an exceptionally sturdy figure. His stature was several times more grand than anyone else there, and he stood with a cold, indifferent face completing his imposing look. A ten centimeter scar adorned his cheek. All around, his domineering physique gave him a murderous appearance. His eyes sparked with lightning and revealed a kind of frigid and ruthless taste.

Whether it was the woman or the man, both of them gave off a kind of savage bloody aura.

Su Xiao Yu wrinkled her brow, “Are they coming to us?”

“Apparently.” Yang Kai also frowned. He had found that this glamorous woman had actually been staring at him for a while before deciding to come over.

know them?”

had previously informed him about the majority of the Sect’s present and the strength of their disciples, the lake was simply too large. So for the people occupying the opposite shore, Ling Tai Xu could not provide any information, so Yang Kai really didn’t even know where these

it’s because… they saw you take out those healing pills?” Su Xiao Yu’s expression

face also became heavy, secretly becoming

two of them are very strong!” Su

situation, he did not want to start a conflict with the people here. If he suddenly became enemies with these two, then he would inevitably be seen as an enemy by everyone here, and if that happened, a bad ending was destined. However, if someone insisted

glamorous woman and the cold towering man came over to him, all other eyes in the group turned towards them. They all wanted to know what this seemingly lascivious woman intended

came up to Yang Kai and carefully looked over him. Without so much as a word, the man behind her also observed him intensely, his cold pair of eyes, like razor sharp swords,

Kai couldn’t help frowning, “Do you

him. Her mouth still showed a pleasant smile while her beautiful face came right up next to Yang Kai’s and breathed in gently through her


woman, her current

of these stares and, like a playful little puppy, kept sniffing around Yang Kai’s body. A few strands of her hair brushed past his neck and cheeks and

scent wafted into Yang Kai’s nose, a strange mix of flowers and

collar, the sight of a deep and uncharted valley sandwiched between her breathtaking snow white mountains was firmly imprinted

could not help

what are you doing!?” Su Xiao Yu finally recovered from her shock and cried out, her cheeks a

him! Other than those who were in meditative recovery, everyone present felt like

Yang Kai, so the view she saw was clearer than

from all directions, and many of these young cultivators hearts burned with jealousy. Since they had assembled together each of them had fantasised about this woman’s full enchanting breasts, but because of

not even gotten the chance to speak with her so how could they possibly be able to get so close to

taken a strong interest towards Yang Kai’s body, not even waiting for permission to get close to him. The scene that played out before them was simply too hot

woman was just too strange. They had never met before yet she was openly being

smiled even more sweetly as she stretched out a jade-like finger, and gently pressed

Kai turned bright red all

Brother Yang!” Su Xiao Yu finally could not stand it and swiftly delivered a kick to Yang Kai’s

giggled happily before looking straight at Yang Kai. Her delicate beautiful face gradually showed a puzzled expression and gazed at him as if in some kind of trance. Her big wet

The woman suddenly

treated his words like gold and offered

just because we Senior Sister and Junior Brother

a firm

not believe these

Yang Kai did

reason is not very convincing, but I truly am not lying to you, in fact,

my name is Ye Qing Si and this is my Junior

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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