Martial Peak

Chapter 250

It was obvious that because of his new found circumstances, this youth was getting carried away and spouting out whatever he wanted, which caused everyone listening around him to frown slightly.

“What the hell are you trying to say!?” Su Xiao Yu angrily shouted as she stepped forward. Originally she had also been quite sympathetic to this youth’s situation, but seeing him lash out so indiscriminately and even cursing her own Senior Brother made any trace of sympathy she had felt instantly vanish.

Chen Xue Shu quickly reached out, held her arm, and slowly shook his head.

Chen Xue Shu’s temperament was quite steady. He understood that this person had simply suffered too great a blow, so he did not take anything he said to heart.

Completely oblivious to the not so subtle changes in the group’s attitude towards him, he only continued to glare and curse at Zi Mo, “Damn slut, if you can’t come up with a way to repair my dantian, then you should just die instead!”

Zi Mo had never been a forgiving woman. Not to mention that these past days she had been deprived of her freedom, and whether she lived or died was no longer her decision to make, so with Yang Kai she had to act subservient even if her heart remained unwilling. In addition, her own comrades had plotted against and wanted to kill her, which further added to her pent up anger and rage, and now listening to this waste of a man curse and threaten her, she finally could no longer hold back, so sneering as she shot back, “A little shit like you wants me to die? I already said I don’t have a way to save you, but even if I could, I would never help you!”

However, after spitting out these hate filled words instead of becoming further enraged the youth suddenly looked ecstatic and grabbed hold of Bi Xiu Ming’s arm, “Senior Brother, you heard her, right? She really does have a way! Quickly make her save me! I can’t remain a waste!”

Bi Xiu Ming’s face cramped up for a moment before he slowly nodded to appease his Junior Brother, “Good, if she refuses to save you, I will waste her cultivation and let her be your maidservant, serving you for the rest of her life!”

Finished speaking, he slowly got up and turned and stared gloomily at Zi Mo.

A ruthless look also flashed across Zi Mo’s pretty face as she looked back at him indifferently.

“Wait a moment!” Chen Xue Shu jumped out between them and shouted, “Bi Xiu Ming, you know that what she just said was only out of anger, and on top of that, it could be said that all of us owe her our lives. If she and Brother Yang hadn’t put on that act and attacked those two, all of us would still be under Yao He and Yao Xi’s control. Even if you don’t want to show her any gratitude, isn’t it too much for you to deliberately move against her?”

“Owe her our lives?” Bi Xiu Ming sneered, “If before all of this, she and her damn Tian Lang bastards hadn’t attacked us, how could we have been reduced to someone else’s slaves? She saved us? No! Everything she did was only to protect her own interests! The only one she wanted to save was herself! Chen Xue Shu, I know your temperament, but I suggest you not interfere in this matter!”

Chen Xue Shu frowned. Although he didn’t like Bi Xiu Ming, he still had to admit what he had just said was undeniably true!

Zi Mo had previously led her Monster Beasts to attack all of them, so even though Yao He and Yao Xi were the ones controlling them, Zi Mo was also greatly responsible. Just now when she and Yang Kai had beheaded Yao He and Yao Xi, Zi Mo really was only acting in her own self interest, and saving them had merely been a side effect.

It was because he knew Bi Xiu Ming was telling the truth that Chen Xue Shu felt it difficult to act any further. On the one hand, he hated Zi Mo, but on the other he knew that Zi Mo and Yang Kai were together, and the relationship between the two was certainly not so simple.

After Chen Xue Shu’s objections were shot down, no one else stepped forward. Whether it was the Ten Thousand Flower Palace’s four girls or the Ye Qing Si Zhou Ba Senior Sister Junior brother pair, all of them remained silent and chose to remain neutral while they waited to see how the situation would develop.

The main reason they were hesitating was because they weren’t clear on the relationship between Yang Kai and Zi Mo.

Seeing the countless pairs of eyes looking towards him, Yang Kai sneered before turning his gaze towards Bi Xiu Ming, “You want to waste her cultivation and give her as a maidservant to your Junior Brother?”

If someone here wanted to act against Zi Mo, then he naturally couldn’t just stand by and watch. Regardless of how it came to pass, Zi Mo was now one of his men.

“If she can’t help restore my Junior Brother, then that will be her fate!” Bi Xiu Ming’s expression darkened.

afraid your Junior Brother will never have that privilege!” Yang Kai laughed heartily, “After all, she’s

the end she couldn’t really retort. Yang Kai calling her his maidservant was already elevating her position. In

brat was the most hateful person she had ever met, but with her fate in his hands she had no choice but to remain

heard Yang Kai speak was stunned, because they could all see that Zi Mo couldn’t

Xi, which caused them endless humiliation and anguish, but the relationship between Yang Kai and Zi Mo

also flashed an awkward expression. Strictly

serves. You’re not qualified.” Yang Kai had long been unhappy with Bi Xiu Ming’s attitude towards him, so at this moment

looks like you’ve been completely tamed by this Tian Lang Dynasty woman, and I don’t know if I should laugh or spit. You speaking up for her like that, makes it seem as though you had already become a servant for her skirt? Although this woman certainly does give off the aura of a slut, letting a man become her plaything after servicing him a bit shouldn’t have been too difficult for

their group couldn’t help but wrinkle their brows. Bi Xiu Ming’s words were far too obscene and ugly, and all of them had a hard time

and worldly woman, but only she

stop me. I want to kill him!” Zi Mo clenched her teeth and glared at Bi Xiu Ming in hatred. Her expression

point meant there was no longer room

Bi Xiu Ming and could easily beat him, once she had killed him,

die!” Zi Mo couldn’t control herself anymore, and her True Qi violently erupting from her

Yang Kai

pulled Zi Mo away. Both of them had experienced his Soul torture before and were clear about Yang Kai’s temper. If she kept pushing her luck and truly enraged him, all she would get

stared calmly at Zi Mo with an arrogant look of victory plastered on his

her off!” Bi Xiu Ming’s Junior Brother also began

flashed across Bi Xiu Ming’s eyes, and he nodded slightly as he prepared to rush towards Zi

you instead!” Yang Kai looked at

became ugly, “For this Tian Lang

that she is my maidservant, and only I

way. I don’t want to kill you.”

would you know?” Yang

Xiu Ming stared deeply into Yang Kai’s eyes before nodding seriously. “Good, since you court death, don’t blame me for being ruthless. I’ll kill

struck towards Yang Kai, while pushing his True Qi to the max. his palm strike whistled through the

No one thought that Bi Xiu Ming would actually attack so savagely! He was a cultivator at the True Element Boundary Fourth Stage while Yang Kai was only Separation and Reunion

given that Yang Kai just saved his life? This

Han Xiao Qi

emitting a crimson aura

Leng Shan both couldn’t hide their shock, and

that instant, Yang Kai fixed his gaze upon Bi Xiu Ming and

and Yuan Qi collided, and flashes

he managed to regain his footing, while Yang Kai stood still like a mountain. The eight winds were unable to sway

as she came to a halt. The bloody aura surrounding her

eyes also flashed a trace of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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