Martial Peak

Chapter 258

Since there was no sun or moon in this isolated world, it was difficult to tell just how much time had passed. Many times, Yang Kai had to simply guess how long it had been by his instincts.

After spending about half a month in the white mist field, Yang Kai successfully broke through to the Separation and Reunion Boundary Ninth Stage!

This was not just the results of his dedicated cultivation, but also due to him absorbing more than eighty Blood Beads. These Blood Beads were all acquired when he had killed Chi Xue.

Most of them were from Monster Beasts, but among them there were five which had been condensed from the essence of True Element Boundary disciples, each one containing vast amounts of pure energy.

After absorbing such a huge amount of energy, and then spending half a month in focused cultivation, it was only natural that Yang Kai’s realm had been promoted. While consolidating his Ninth Stage cultivation, he also laid a stable foundation for his nearing breakthrough to the True Element Boundary.

For this past half-month, Yang Kai had also been slowly adapted to the pain in his mind, eventually even being able to ignore it altogether. Although the pain itself still existed, it was no longer able to make any impact on him.

With the repeated destruction and repair, Yang Kai’s Divine Sense slowly became stronger, and the range of his perception expanded many times.

Experiencing this process for half a month, Yang Kai eventually began looking for a way out.

In any case, cultivating his Divine Sense did not need him to do anything in particular. As long as he remained within this white mist bank, his Soul would receive damage, and the Soul Warming Lotus would automatically restore it. Both staying put or moving around resulted in the same outcome.

After exploring his surroundings for several days, Yang Kai was still trapped within the white mist bank, unable to find where he came in, nor another way out.

The situation was beginning to look grim, and Yang Kai started to feel slightly anxious. Even after he used his Flaming Yang Wings to fly up, he could not find a way out of this strange place.

One day, as Yang Kai was exploring around, he suddenly became aware of some changes in the white mist around him. These changes were very subtle, and if he had not been checking carefully, he simply would not have noticed. He even discovered that this slight change was also thanks to his perception being significantly enhanced. If it was him from half a month ago, he certainly would have missed it.

Afterwards, Yang Kai began to thoroughly investigate this phenomenon.

After a long time, Yang Kai eventually determined that the mist surrounding him was actually slowly drifting towards a fixed position. Although he did not know why this was happening, after searching around here for so long, now that he had finally discovered something out of the ordinary, he was naturally eager to check it out.

Walking along the direction the white mist was flowing, as he moved forward, the pace at which the mist flowed became faster and faster, faintly beginning to feel like a light breeze, as if there was something which was absorbing the white mist in front of him.

Yang Kai silently raised his vigilance, pushing his Movement Skill lightly as he slowly approached the source of the anomaly.

A few breaths of time later, Yang Kai began to hear a subtle humming sound coming from in front of him, like the sound of wind flowing into a hole in the wall.

Focusing his senses forward in an attempt to amplify his perception to the limit, Yang Kai slowly closed the distance between the source of the sound and himself.

A short time later, Yang Kai stood in place, frowning slightly as he stared at a strangely shaped stone standing not far from his position, the surrounding white mist clearly flowing towards a small opening on its surface.

The hole in this stone was like its mouth, constantly inhaling the white mist.

Yang Kai gradually relaxed, his demeanor slowly transitioning from vigilance to curiosity. Upon taking a closer look, Yang Kai was surprised to find that the stone itself was hollow, and that while the white mist was flowing into it from

the stone in interest, Yang Kai found that

these were only light scratches, with no indication

on the stone when someone had attacked it, and in order to come here, one would need at least a True Element Boundary cultivation, but a True Element Boundary cultivator’s attack had actually only been able to scratch the stone’s surface. Obviously,

True Element Boundary cultivator’s


moment, Yang Kai also decided to launch his own attack, sending out a strong palm strike, but the result was him not even being able to cause the stone to shake

rare treasure, Yang Kai could only look at it. Such a big stone obviously weighed at least several thousand kilograms, possibly even more than that; it was undoubtedly impossible for him to

slowly squat down, deciding to investigate the small

constantly releasing the white mist absorbed by the hole above, was a soybean sized

of a wondrous fragrance that made his entire spirit feel refreshed. The feeling was even many times stronger compared to when the Soul Warming Lotus repaired the damage to his Soul from the

liquid was, it was definitely a Precious Treasure which could bring great benefits to one’s

single drop of liquid, Yang Kai’s eyes

out a finger, he carefully controlled his Yuan Qi in order to remove

he could celebrate his success, the surrounding white mist suddenly began to swirl about more than ten times faster than before, flooding into the hole at the

the white mist flowing out of the lower opening in the stone, it was somehow all completely absorbed, with not a strand

all occur

to fill with a stage watery mist, and at the very

liquid I just

guess, combined with what he had just seen, Yang Kai was

but now that he knew that more of it

Yang Kai quickly threw the drop of amber liquid

felt the amber liquid transform into a form of energy and flow into his dantian before completely ignoring his burning hot True Yang Yuan Qi as it traveled

felt like his entire body was floating above the clouds, an indescribable feeling washing over him,

take some of

mind suddenly felt many times

auditory senses at this

smell? No

alright. Yang Kai does not have a scent

the blink of an eye, Yang Kai could suddenly even make out the blades

tens of meters ahead of himself originally, and

senses had also experienced similarly

Yang Kai was not negligent, quickly sitting cross-legged, calming his emotions, and carefully refining

absorb and refine this energy, the benefits it brought him also became stronger. First of all, were the benefits it brought to his own body; Yang Kai could now clearly feel the influx of World Energy entering him from his surroundings, as well as exactly how it flowed and circulated

within Yang Kai’s mind; it was difficult to describe, like a tingling sensation. It felt as if an invisible barrier in his mind was itching, making him

no doubt existed, and was blocking some part of

went on for quite a while until, all of a sudden, this strange

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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