Martial Peak

Chapter 285

When orders had been given to capture Xiao Fu Sheng, originally only two Immortal Ascension masters had come, and both of them were in high spirits as they felt certain of their victory.

But just before reaching Hidden Cloud Peak’s summit, Meng Wu Ya had suddenly appeared and mercilessly slaughtered them.

With two Immortal Ascension Boundary masters suddenly dying, six nearby devil’s path masters learned that a strong master was guarding Hidden Cloud Peak, and all of them rushed over to attack. However, even with all of them attacking together, they couldn’t gain an upper hand. Although Meng Wu Ya only had a cultivation of peak Immortal Ascension, he still managed to single handedly hold all of them back.

All of Treasurer Meng’s Martial Skills contained huge lethality, and many of them were completely unfamiliar. Seeing these moves, the six attackers slowly became more and more frightened, after realizing they had kicked an iron plate.

What corner did this old guy suddenly jump out from? The six people were thoroughly confused. Wasn’t the only Immortal Ascension master on Hidden Cloud Peak, Xiao Fu Sheng?

Meanwhile, on the top of the peak, Xiao Fu Sheng calmly stood as he leisurely observed this battle.

Although he was also an Immortal Ascension master, his life had been dedicated to Alchem, so he was not proficient in fighting. Even if he utilized the Martial Skills he had cultivated, they wouldn’t be of any help.

The two dignified beauties stood behind him, and behind them were Dong Qing Yan and Xia Ning Chang. The four women each held some faint tension unlike Old Xiao’s indifferent calm.

“Young Master is back!” Old Demon suddenly called out, pleasantly surprised, and sure enough, the next moment, Yang Kai appeared on top of Hidden Cloud Peak.

Immediately after, the Soul Breaker Awl flew out towards Yang Kai ,who naturally reached out and grabbed it. The black gas quickly disappeared back into his body.

Xiao Fu Sheng only spared this whole process a glance, not even bothering to comment while Dong Qing Yan waved to Yang Kai, motioning him over.

“What happened here?” Yang Kai swiftly joined the crowd and inquisitively whispered.

“A day ago, the Ash-Gray Cloud Evil Land suddenly attacked Medicine King’s Valley. From how swiftly and menacingly they acted, they had clearly been plotting this for quite some time. After injuring or killing the masters from the various great forces standing guard in the Valley Town, they proceeded straight towards Medicine King’s Valley’s twelve peaks, capturing numerous disciples and various Alchemists who had come here to participate in the Alchemist Summit…”

Xia Ning Chang softly spoke about the current situation and all the relevant information she could remember.

Given this information, Yang Kai was also able to figure out a lot of things.

Ash-Gray Cloud Evil Land, it was this world’s largest devil’s path practitioner gathering place, a haven for all those who cultivated demonic arts. It was located in the southwest corner of the Great Han Dynasty.

In fact, the entire southwest region could be considered part of the Ash-Gray Cloud Evil Land.

Within the Ash-Gray Cloud Evil Land were many masters and various forces. A number of which were not weaker than the Eight Great Families and could be considered transcendental great forces.

As early as a few months ago, the Ash-Gray Cloud Evil Land had been planning this action and had gone around capturing the descendants of various great forces. Even the men who had been attacking Dong Qing Yan outside Medicine King’s Valley were agents of the Ash-Gray Cloud Evil Land.

During their assault, which they had timed to coincide with the Alchemist Summit, they had used these kidnapped descendents as human shields in order to force the various masters sent to Medicine King’s Valley to stand aside and not act rashly.

This of course led to Medicine King’s Valley’s side being quickly overwhelmed.

Alchemists. Whether they were Medicine King’s Valley

and on top of that the Immortal Ascension Boundary masters of Medicine King’s Valley had desperately fought to defend

all kinds of

for Hidden Cloud Peak, if it weren’t for Meng Wu Ya happening to be here right now, Xiao Fu Sheng would

Yang Kai soon grasped the

Evil Land was known to be reckless and belligerent, it was still a mystery why they

it was Meng

An old black

the six devil path cultivators suddenly scattered, arranged themselves into a mysterious Spirit Array formation, and unleashed a single coordinated strike, which caused Meng Wu Ya’s composed

himself, the six enemies all exchanged a glance and one of the Immortal Ascension


Ya roared while releasing a devastating strike, knocking his five opponents off balance, and then he took advantage of this

Strike!] A Mysterious Grade

Cloud Evil Land

this brief contact made his whole arm shrivel up

panic, the man immediately began revolving a healing art to

its effects, and his shriveled up arm slowly started to restore itself to its original appearance, which allowed his nerves to

Hidden Cloud Peak, like an eagle

others, seeing this approaching enemy, all began

summit, only Xiao Fu Sheng was an Immortal Ascension cultivator, but he was not one who could fight. Even if this man had only reached the Immortal Ascension Boundary Fifth Stage,

grin appeared on his face as he yelled, “Xiao Fu Sheng, if you don’t want to die, then don’t resist! This old master just wants to invite you to our sacred

expression remained indifferent,

out his tongue and licked his lips, while grinning wantonly and said, “A gathering of delicious beauties… Unfortunately, today this old master has an important task to complete; we’ll have

his hand with a grabbing

Old Xiao coldly snorted, raised his hand,

just his fingers to crush the Martial Skill Xiao

span of a

Yang Kai, Xia Ning Chang,

released their full strength Martial Skills the devil path master’s expression suddenly changed, especially in the

violently snapped back, “Scram! This old master has no time to play with

faded, two slender palms

Energy suddenly stirred, and the surrounding air was suddenly filled with numerous floating petals, as if the sky had opened up and flowers began raining down, a wondrous sight to

unforeseen occurrence as were Xia Ning

the Ash-Gray Cloud Evil Land master. Their moves

and he inadvertently inhaled some of the petals. His body immediately weakened a lot as he

“Since you’ve already come, don’t expect

moment they both displayed strength in no way inferior to his own. So with

(PewPewLaserGun: ahaha, ahem)

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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