Martial Peak

Chapter 293

This group of old men glanced around at each other before bursting into laughter.

Su Xuan Wu quickly declared, “Then we shall all remain together! Yang Kai, come here!”

“Yes Elder Su!”

“Sect Master said you know the path out of here, so you and Su Yan lead everyone away, be sure to protect our High Heaven Pavilion’s inheritance!”


“Good, now go!” Wei Xi Tong waved and then unhesitantly flew back towards High Heaven Pavilion, and the other three Elders quickly caught up.

“We must also go!” Yang Kai was not long-winded. Ling Tai Xu had broken through to the Above Immortal Ascension Boundary, and the four Elders also had good strength. Together they would be enough to resist any force which may come.

Not to mention, there was no guarantee that a fight would break out.

However, the people here must leave! These people were High Heaven Pavilion’s hope for the future. If they remained, it would only give Ling Tai Xu another thing to worry about.

More than a hundred people quickly followed behind Yang Kai towards a specific place above the Coiling Dragon Stream.

They soon arrived and passed through the Demonic Qi rising up from the abyss below, it was only a few thousand meters down to where the Spirit Array was.

Everyone’s face was pale and frightened, especially the younger generation disciples, they looked particularly miserable.

For these juniors who had not yet reached the True Element Boundary, standing beside the Coiling Dragon Stream was naturally unnerving.

“A few of you Martial Uncles with higher cultivation come down with me, Su Yan, you also come!” Yang Kai quickly shouted and jumped down into the canyon followed closely by seven or eight masters from the previous generations.

Searching for the location of the Spirit Array, Yang Kai carefully examined the cliff face.

“Martial Nephew, what are we doing here?” A thin bony Martial Uncle, a High Heaven Pavilion deacon with cultivation at the Immortal Ascension Boundary Third Stage, asked curiously.

“Looking for a Spirit Array…” Yang Kai replied quietly, and his eyes continued to search a moment before he later nodded, “It’s here!”

Everyone else turned their eyes towards where he was looking, but all they could see was bare rock, no different from everywhere else in the canyon.

“Please channel your True Qi into it!” Yang Kai said and placed a hand onto the cliff, while his True Qi surged ferociously forth.

His other hand grasped Su Yan’s.

Since the two of them had obtained the Joyous Unification Art inheritance, this was the first time they had acted together, and although this situation was not a battle, it was similar enough.

As their hands clasped, the pairs’ True Qi fluctuations suddenly intensified a grade and flowed significantly faster. This change also shocked the few Martial Uncles who had accompanied them.

stopped to ask and instead followed Yang Kai’s example and poured their True

nearly ten people working together, after a moment of


Array which activates a Void corridor that allows one to instantaneously from here to a

seniors couldn’t resist asking, “How

thousand kilometers away, so

present wore expressions of shock

had far exceeded all of their

heritage?” That same Martial Uncle stuttered,


Yan and me, everyone else has other tasks they must attend to. Two of your Martial Uncles must go ahead and check the situation on the other side, everyone else must go back

younger generation of disciples, but by virtue of him knowing all these secrets about the Sect, it was clear to everyone how much Ling Tai Xu valued him. Moreover, Yang Kai’s plans were meticulous and well thought out, so the

masters, one at the First Stage and

Everyone else flew upwards.

Yan remained behind

Yang Kai smiled and suddenly said,

eyes slightly flashed with surprise before asking,

is a reference of what

Kai simply

this now?”

heart, so to do that I must be

a burst of sweetness, and

but now the feelings between man and woman were truly begging to bud as they

given Su Yan a kind of happiness that could

by the man she loved? Even Su Yan also had such

Inheritance Cave, Su Yan and Yang Kai, who were not familiar with each other at the time, were all of a sudden made inseparable, so even if she had obtained a kind of happiness from

Kai was undoubtedly trying make that up to her while simultaneously

if they could not escape today’s

sounded; Yang Kai looked up and saw one of his Martial Uncles carrying a High Heaven Pavilion disciple, dropping down next to the two, regardless of the

do carry on…” This Martial Uncle was not blind; he could clearly see the delicate atmosphere between the

Of course that is what you

another arrived so all

Yan declared as she blushed, not caring about if others were observing as she whispered into

until we’ve safely left and settled down then I promise I’ll tell

biting her lip, “I would also

in hand, proudly touring the world!” Yang Kai grinned

happiness, gently resting her head upon Yang Kai’s

above awaited an impending catastrophe, a young

should have lasted an

High Heaven Pavilion disciples who occasional passed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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