Martial Peak

Chapter 349

When the Hu Sisters arrived at the scene of the battle, both of them couldn’t help but gasp. The residual rubble and scars stood as a testament to just how intense this conflict was, and the mangled bodies of the green-robed and yellow-robed old men on the ground nearby only served to emphasise this fact.

As the two beautiful sisters trembled nervously, they suddenly spotted Yang Kai in a place not far away.

He seemed to be holding some kind of chain in his hand and was just standing there completely motionless, as a cold and terrifying energy fluctuated around him.

*Shua Shua Shua…*

Soon after the Ghost King Valley and Treasure Instrument Sect crowd also arrived, and all of them quickly took note of the strange atmosphere surrounding Yang Kai, which sparked all of their curiosities.

However, the situation at the moment was much better than everyone had expected, at the very least, Yang Kai did seem to have any obvious injuries and his aura was calm and steady. Obviously, he wasn’t anywhere close to dead.

After observing this point, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The arrival of these people hadn’t gone unnoticed by Yang Kai, but he still couldn’t stop pondering the last words the devil had spoken to him before he had disappeared.

Although it was just a few sentences, but the amount of information it contained was incredibly substantial.

Devil General Meng Ge! This was what the devil called himself. From that point alone it wasn’t difficult to infer from this title was something that belonged to a person of great status and origin, definitely not a newly formed entity.

Moreover, this devil had said that he was only something called a Soul Clone.

The Four Monsters and Demons working together had failed to last a stick of incense worth of time against this devil before two of them were killed and two were forced to flee. They had managed to pin him to the ground by driving their spear type artifact through his chest, yet afterwards, this devil had pulled this spear out like it was nothing.

This Soul Clone already possessed such awe-inspiring power, if instead, it had been this devil’s main body, just how terrible would he be?

This devil’s true strength was beyond the limits of Yang Kai’s knowledge, and even far surpassed anything he had ever imagined! This caused no small amount of shock to him.

Fortunately, this entity just happened to be a true devil so his Devil Sealing Chain had been able to play a role, if not, even if Yang Kai was ten times stronger he still would have been utterly unable to resist.

After Devil General Meng Ge finished his final sentence, he seemed to know that his Soul Clone wouldn’t last much longer and resolutely chose to give up all resistance and simply disintegrated.

All that was left behind was something that resembled a massive frigid Evil Spirit Essence.

This essence was precisely the treasure condensed from the Evil Spirit Spring.

Right now this essence had already been sucked into Yang Kai’s meridians.

The Devil Sealing Chain in his hands also seemed to have lost its spirituality in this battle, and now only appeared like a dull iron chain; however, Yang Kai could still feel a hidden trace of vitality within it, so as long as he continued to temper it with True Yang Yuan Qi it would surely be restored again eventually.

After all, this was a treasured artifact left behind by High Heaven Pavilion’s Ancestral Founder, and despite its old age, there was no way it would be so easily damaged.

Letting out a faint sigh of relief, Yang Kai suddenly felt a fire burn in his chest. Today he had seen Devil General Meng Ge’s Soul Clone, a being who possessed the strength that greatly exceeded the boundaries of this world, and it had once again inspired him to seek the peak of martial arts.

expression became

to them for a long time, the Hu Sisters finally

back into his dantian, turning to the crowd and saying, “I need to find a secluded

not far from here!”

“Good, lead the way.”

Cavern, Yang Kai sat down cross-legged, alone and began

discovered by Cheng Ying while he had been scouting, it was indeed the perfect place to rest and recuperate within the Evil Cavern as

had surely obtained some kind of significant harvest, and since they were also in no hurry to leave, all of them sat down and finally got

the Evil Spirit Essences Yang

Valley and Treasure Instrument Sect groups had obtained two full Purifying Spirit Bottles, a total of forty essences each! Therefore, after dividing them up equally amongst themselves, all of them obtained at

other hand, obtained

a full Purifying Spirit Bottle each but

than they could have hoped for, how could they possibly accept even more from the Hu Sisters now? What’s more, those were things Yang

Divine Art to refine these essences. The speed at which they absorbed these Evil Spirit Essences was several times faster than the others, and although it couldn’t be compared to Yang Kai’s freakishly abnormal pace, it was still

and refined these Evil Spirit Essences, Yang Kai was similarly processing


essence left behind by the Soul Type Evil Spirit paled in comparison to this Evil Spirit Spring

would shiver and pulse as it relished in the

into his dantian, and Yang Kai was currently enveloped in black Demonic Qi, incredibly similar to how

difference between the two, Meng Ge could obviously completely control his strength and restrain his Devil Qi, but Yang Kai was unable to do so, so instead he appeared

out from Yang Kai as bursts of crackling noises echoed throughout the cave. The

cold soon seeped out

couldn’t help but clinch

been thrown into

retreated so far from this strange phenomenon, all of them couldn’t help shivering as the chill seemed to penetrate deep into their

in confusion, “Why does this chill feel so similar

this frigid sensation, but compared to that time, what was happening before them right

okay?” Hu Mei

her head calmly, “This situation should be something he caused, as long as

Yang Kai’s condition, but she could only speak such words to soothe her little

don’t live long but a

his eyes as he quipped,

you shut up?” Leng Shan

Chen Yi

coldness seemed to perfectly conform to his current condition, not only did it

Yang Kai had always felt it had a distinctly evil aura, now though, it had both an evil

from the sun and the moon, an

like a

imprisoned the Unyielding

burst forth spreading out across the entire cave, plunging it into darkness. As this Demonic Qi churned and billowed, it was like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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