Martial Peak

Chapter 352

Watching as Xiang Chu strode away, Yang Kai couldn’t help but grin wryly.

This group of people, who had never seen him before, had completely treated Yang Kai as though he was air.

The Xiang Family was a first-class family, so their treasured Young Lord acting aloof and domineering wouldn’t be abnormal.

But now, seeing this Xiang Chu first-hand with his elegant manners, harmless disposition, carefree and unrestrained personality, allowing people to have a positive impression of him, Yang Kai couldn’t help but be surprised.

Yang Kai could clearly see that this person had great interest in the two Hu Sisters and made no effort in hiding his meaning. On top of that, even though Hu Jiao Er responded so coldly to him, he did not respond with any kind of displeasure or annoyance, instead maintaining an ever-genial temperament.

Yang Kai couldn’t understand at first glance why the Hu Sisters and everyone else seemed to despise this young man.

However, everything must have a cause, and Yang Kai also understood well that one’s outer persona didn’t always reflect their true self. His intuition told him that this Xiang Chu must have a side to him that he didn’t expose to the public.

After Xiang Chu had departed, the genius of Fang Ziji approached Yang Kai and said with a chuckle, “Yang Kai, you mustn’t be deceived by that guy. Although he looks kind and harmless, his tongue is slippery and his mind is scheming, it’s just that he hides all of this deeply, or else there’s no way he’d be able to maintain his command over this place.”

“En.” Yang Kai nodded lightly. He never had any intention of underestimating Xiang Chu’s depths.

People like Bai Yun Feng, who wore their arrogance on his sleeve and clearly treated people either with respect or disdain, couldn’t cause any threat to Yang Kai.

But someone like Xiang Chu who would smile warmly while plotting against you had to be guarded against.

“This place is actually under his command now?” Hearing this, Hu Jiao Er couldn’t help asking before glancing towards Fang Ziji strangely, “What exactly happened? He’s just a member of the young generation, how could he be put in command here? Are there not any Elders from the Xiang Family present here anymore?”

Fang Ziji however just laughed wryly and turned his gaze to Guan Chi Le.

Guan Chi Le hesitated a moment before saying, “The Young Ladies must be tired and should rest for now, as for these other matters, this old man will explain in the evening.”

“Good.” Hu Jiao Er nodded without hesitating; firstly, although she had noticed that something was unusual as soon as they had arrived at the camp, it didn’t seem to be a pressing matter. Second, she really did mean for her and Mei Er to clean themselves up. This past month of running and hiding with Yang Kai made it so they hadn’t had a chance to do so at all.

Women always loved to be clean.

“Yang Kai, you come with me.” Fang Ziji warmly said.

Yang Kai smiled and followed him away.

around a big outdoor campfire, the cultivators from Blood Battle Gang and Storm Hall all gathered round while

crackling of wood gentle

Jiao Er finally asked, “Uncle Le, what happened? The number of masters here has dropped significantly. Where did the Elders of our Blood Battle Gang

returned, they soon discovered that there were less than ten such masters remaining. Aside from the two who

others on the front wasn’t too important, it wasn’t negligible either. With the camp’s current combat strength, if the enemy across the hill were to suddenly attack in force,

all of the masters and elites who were participating in the war with the

battle?” Hu Jiao

and enthusiasm, after fighting for so long most of us simply want this war to end earlier. It’s probably that the heads of both sides have reached some kind of consensus so most of the masters

also left…” Hu

one of the elite able to look down disdainfully on the whole world, now that he

could the the Hu Sisters

the Sect Master and all the Elders left, fortunately the masters across the hill have also left.” Fang Ziji grinned wryly, his master was Xiao Ruohan, Storm Hall’s

Master’s request, this old man wouldn’t have been able to stay here.” Guan Chi Le’s blank look suddenly livened up, “Sect Master said that the two young ladies would surely return here one day, so he requested

“If it weren’t for Senior Guan’s help, your Blood Battle Gang and


of the other Sects here have a very good opinion of us. When the two of you were here things were better because Xiang Chu would intervene here and there, but after you disappeared, Xiang Chu simply brushed us aside, and any dangerous task was then quickly pushed onto

said, “When we first arrived here there were more than a hundred of us, but now? There’s only a dozen or

tragic deaths of so many of his Junior Brothers and Junior Sisters, the pain

Fang Ziji suddenly remembered something, quickly turning towards Yang Kai, “You shouldn’t mind me, I don’t

a misunderstanding between them, Yang Kai knew very well that it was because of their relationship with High Heaven Pavilion that Blood Battle Gang and Storm Hall received

Heaven Pavilion held some responsibility

Just because it was the Sect the Demon Lord had come from, High Heaven Pavilion had been burnt to the ground while the treatment given to Blood Battle

Hu Jiao Er thought to herself for a moment before saying, “Since that’s the case, then this region is

Lady is correct, as soon as three or five days, or as late as half a month from now, a decisive battle will be fought. The victor from that battle will essentially decide the outcome of this war, so whether it’s us or the forces on the other side of the mountain neither wants to stir up any trouble. As long as we wait until after the decisive battle is finished, both sides will likely withdraw from

Jiao Er

here to Xiang Chu.” Fang Ziji grinned wryly, “They probably wanted to

elders of at least five or six forces. When this many parties gathered together, there would inevitably be disputes. If Xiang Chu could handle these matters well, it would prove he was also capable of handling matters related to the Xiang Family. Such experience would be of great use to him if he was to become Patriarch of

Family’s way of training him as a

things, the Hu Sisters were finally able to put down most of the burdens in their hearts, though they were still worried about Hu

air. Yang Kai chewed on it with impunity, and it wasn’t long before the Hu Sisters were unable to bear

been difficult and was

thought that they’d soon be able to return to their Sects. Nothing would make them happier now; Fang Ziji even pulled

feared he would keel

they were enjoying themselves, a group

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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