Martial Peak

Chapter 367

Early the next morning, Tang Yu Xian awoke at the crack of dawn, slowly got up, and emerged from her tent a moment later.

Not far away, Tu Feng was standing there with his arms cross, staring ahead motionlessly.

“What are you doing?” Tang Yu Xian walked over beside him and asked with a puzzled look.

“Hm…” Tu Feng casually made a gesture to her, indicating she should turn her gaze forward.

Secretly scoffing at his attempt to be mysterious, Tang Yu Xian rolled her eyes and looked in the direction he gestured and was immediately startled.

A short distance away, in front of his tent, the Little Lord was assuming an odd stance. With one foot on the ground and both his arms stretched out like two wings of a bird, he slowly and rhythmically swung them up and down.

At first glance, it seemed like he was imitating a bird soaring through the sky, his movements had an odd charm to them.

However, what made Tang Yu Xian even more surprised was that the Silver Blood Golden Feather Eagle was actually perched in front of the Little Lord imitating his stance.

With its two golden wings stretching out, a piercing cry resounded from its beak, and its wings swayed up and down sending out a gentle wave of wind.

The Golden Feather Eagle no longer displayed the intense hostility it had shown for the past few days, and instead, its cries seemed to contain a feeling of intimacy.

As time passed, when the rhythm of the man and eagle completely synchronized, the Little Lord and Eagle slowly lifted off the ground at the same time.

It seemed like at that moment, the two had united as one, perfectly coordinated with one another.

Tu Feng and Tang Yu Xian both stared at this scene dumbfounded.

Both of them were incredibly powerful and talented, but if they were honest with themselves, they had no way to make a Golden Feather Eagle so obedient. In fact, in the entire Yang Family, with the exception of ones who specially trained to raise them, the Golden Feather Eagles never became intimate with anyone, but now it was actually playing with the Little Lord.

On top of that, this was after the Little Lord had plucked two of its gold feathers!

For a moment, both Blood Warriors couldn’t help but wonder if they were still dreaming as they exchanged looks, and their eyes showed both confusion and shock. Neither of them had any idea what kind of magical method Yang Kai had used to achieve this.

After a moment, one man and one eagle had risen several tens of meters off the ground.

Then, with a loud laugh, Yang Kai suddenly flew directly to the Golden Feather Eagle, and under the watchful eyes of the two Blood Warriors, he landed atop the Golden Feather Eagle’s back, accompanied by a crisp resounding eagle cry as he did.

The back of the Golden Feather Eagle wasn’t very broad, just barely large enough for one person to sit down.

However, whether it was Tu Feng or Tang Yu Xian, they could clearly sense that Yang Kai was no longer using any True Qi to levitate at all. The Golden Feather Eagle was fully supporting him and flying of its own volition.

“Wasn’t that beast extremely vindictive and defiant?” Tang Yu Xian suddenly felt that her head couldn’t keep up with the reality before her.

Tu Feng grinned meaningfully before opening his mouth and replying, “Indeed, achieving such a feat is quite impressive, but if it’s just this… it’s still far from enough.”

Tang Yu Xian nodded slightly.

It was no simple matter to convince the Yang Family’s Blood Warriors to voluntarily submit. In particular, both Tu Feng and Tang Yu Xian were superb Immortal Ascension Boundary masters, so how could they surrender to him as easily as this eagle had?

Feather Eagle slowly flew down, hovering roughly ten meters off the ground. Yang Kai jumped from its back and landed, and then the Golden Feather Eagle folded its wings

hooked beak, it then began helping Yang Kai comb

Lord’s methods are impressive.” Tu Feng

Kai reached up and stroked the Golden Feather Eagle’s head and smiled, “I offended it a few days ago so it

do it?” Tang

her and solemnly replied, “I sincerely opened my heart to it and let it

Xian couldn’t help but blink, pondering over

show off any further and firmly shouted as he turned to the Cloud Treading

became closer and closer. This Fifth-Order Monster Beast seemingly had a clear insight into the

couldn’t help being surprised by

even the members of the Yang Family who reared the Golden Feather Eagles wouldn’t be as adept

the Little Lord failed to win the Inheritance War, he would have no trouble becoming the chief breeder for the Yang Family’s

funny; if it weren’t for the sake of winning over the two Blood Warriors, he wouldn’t have spent so much

a few days playing with it to make it seem like he had struggled

Three days later.

High Heaven Pavilion.

entire Sect was still

and there patches of scorched earth and collapsed buildings

an awful

expression and mood

had survived for centuries, now lay in ruins. If it was a few years ago, Yang Kai wouldn’t have had a sense of belonging here, but after experiencing so many things, Yang Kai had

Yang Kai curiously, not knowing

dismounted the Cloud

huge scorched plaque on the ground. After picking it up and turning

asked Yang Kai about his Sect last time, Yang Kai had

Tu Feng muttered as he read the

words couldn’t be made out; however, Tu Feng and Tang Yu Xian were both quite knowledgeable so they

Pavilion?” Tang Yu Xian’s pretty face showed surprise as both she and Tu Feng hurriedly looked towards

Yang Kai nodded

both sucked in a deep breath, unable

Heaven Pavilion. Originally it was just a random

new Demon Lord had

that, it was said that when the masters from the Qiu Family came here to sanction the Sect they had suffered a

Lady Qiu Yi Meng had also disappeared here, along with Luo Xiao Man of Purple Fern Valley and the

Heaven Pavilion had a top-class master who had reached the Above Immortal

The mere existence of such a figure watching

of Qiu Yi Meng’s disappearance, the Qiu Family’s masters had become enraged and burned down High Heaven

had been no news about the

information wasn’t a secret amongst the Eight Great Families, so the two Blood Warriors from the Yang Family were naturally clear

the two Blood Warriors couldn’t

his hands, hesitating on whether to keep holding it or to


Little Lord, there seem to be some people inside,” Tang Yu Xian hurriedly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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