Martial Peak

Chapter 379

Lu Liang’s tone was extremely harsh, but as Yang Kai listened, his expression remained calm and composed.

Lu Si observed Yang Kai’s reaction and secretly nodded, he knew that this Yang Family Young Lord was not some unreasonable brat.

Grinning lightly, Yang Kai casually waved and said, “Since the Patriarch Lu has said so much, then let’s not mention this Yang Crystal Jade Bed any further.”

Outside, Lu Liang quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression finally loosened somewhat.

As long as Yang Kai gave up on the Yang Crystal Jade Bed, anything else was open to discussion.

“Senior Si, if you don’t mind, how about we discuss your situation?” Yang Kai grinned as he glanced over Lu Si’s form.

Even if he was an Above Immortal Ascension Boundary, Lu Si couldn’t help feeling bewildered and pointed to himself and curiously asked, “About this old master?”

“En. “ Yang Kai nodded politely.

“If Young Master Yang has something to say, then this old master is willing to listen.” Lu Si smiled and showed a glimmer of interest.

It was truly interesting seeing this young man actually boast so calmly in front of himself, speaking as if he was in the commanding position.

Since breaking through to the Above Immortal Ascension Boundary, it had been a long time since anyone had dared act so casually before him.

For a time, Lu Si couldn’t help wondering what exactly Yang Kai would say next, and if he could bring him any other surprises.

“Good, this junior begs your forgiveness if he offends you,” Yang Kai said respectfully, but his expression showed no hesitation as he casually said, “Senior Si has achieved a cultivation at the Above Immortal Ascension Boundary and reached the summit of this world. Unless you meet with others whose cultivation have reached a similar height, it could be said that there are few who could oppose you.”

Lu Si smiled neither warmly or coldly.

“What kind of realm the Above Immortal Ascension Boundary is, this junior doesn’t know, but I do know that at such a height, it is difficult to use external forces to further enhance one’s cultivation. Regardless of what Precious Treasures or Spirit Pills you may take, I’m afraid it would provide little help in increasing Senior Si’s strength! In order to further improve your cultivation, it seems that the only thing Elder Si can rely on is deepening your understanding of the Martial Dao and attempting to break the shackles of Heaven and Earth!”

Lu Si’s expression finally became dignified as he stared slightly at Yang Kai, not knowing how this youth had learned such profound knowledge.

Yang Kai took a look at him and suddenly wore a confident grin, “But from the moment this junior entered the room, Senior Si has been sitting on this jade bed. It also appears that you don’t leave it often, perhaps sitting atop it for months or even years at a time!”

“En.” Lu Si nodded slightly.

“There are only two reasons why Senior Si does so, one is to use this jade to cultivate and strengthen yourself, but as I just said, at Senior Si’s current cultivation borrowing external forces provides little benefit to you, so this reason can be ruled out!”

smiled slyly, “Although at this old master’s realm it is indeed difficult to borrow any external force to enhance my cultivation, but it

no, Senior Si, you don’t cultivate any kind of Yang attribute Secret Art, so sitting atop this Yang Crystal Jade Bed won’t help you consolidate your

suspiciously at Yang Kai, “How do you know that this old master doesn’t cultivate a

if he didn’t voluntarily release any True Qi, even a peak Immortal Ascension Boundary master shouldn’t be able to examine his Secret Art’s attribute. Given that, how was Yang

Yang Kai simply grinned and didn’t explain any

Kai’s guess so he didn’t deny it any further, “Young Master Yang speaks correctly. Me

Kai’s smile became even more brilliant as he continued, “En, then there is only one explanation left. Senior Si spending so much time sitting atop this

other members of the Lu Family sucked in a sharp breath. The atmosphere suddenly

first-class family status was built, so it was also the Lu Family’s greatest secret that he had a chronic disability! If this secret were

just the other nearby first-class families would surely try to take advantage of

“Senior Si, although you have concealed your aura to the extreme, there is still a lingering sense of weakness around you while the True Qi circulating through your meridians is somewhat turbid. At times it seems rushed and at others unsteady. If junior is not mistaken… Senior Si’s

he was seeing some kind of monster, and his calm demeanor vanished as

young man in front of him really was just a True Element Boundary

had exceeded many Immortal Ascension Boundary masters! His opinions and speculations had almost perfectly exposed Lu

out and sits on his

look gradually became ugly as all the Lu Family

that this incredible secret

before saying, “If it was someone else who dared say this in front of Senior Si, they

nodded as he composed himself, “For the sake of the Lu Family’s peace, what does it matter if

for the Lu Family to even think of killing me.” Yang Kai said in a carefree manner, completely unconcerned about

bitterly as Lu Liang and the other Elders outside

Senior Si want to use in order to seal my mouth?” Yang

up again, for the first time feeling like he was being played around with by a junior, but just thinking about Yang Kai’s status and the colossus behind him gave Lu Si

regret, had he only known how perceptive and cunning this little brat was

the Yang Crystal Jade Bed,

within it to dredge and warm his meridians, so if Yang Kai were to really take it away, Lu Si would also die shortly afterwards. It was absolutely impossible for the Lu Family to let go

up and asked, “Is there no other solution to

stabilize his meridians, then pursuing this issue any further would be pointless.


Kai suddenly saw a glimmer of hope and

Yang Kai and grinned, “If you can help this old master acquire this pill, this old master will gladly hand this Precious Jade over to

clearly indicated to Yang

Mysterious Grade pill?” Yang

Grade Mid-Rank pill!” Lu

handful of Grandmasters were able to refine this type of pill, even just finding the required materials would not be easy not to mention there was a decent chance of failure when refining it.

to find someone to refine such a pill, Yang Kai actually knew two people he could

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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