Martial Peak

Chapter 447

However, Alchemists who came from Medicine King’s Valley were all like this. They placed no one in their eyes and were extremely arrogant, none of them would show any respect to these four Young Lords, on the contrary, they would expect them to show deference to them instead.

“Senior Brother Qin!” Dong Qing Yan complained in the depressed voice, “This is why I said we should disguise ourselves before we entered the city. Why didn’t you listen to my advice? Now that we’ve been surrounded by these monkeys, what do we do?”

“There’s no problem.” Qin Ze waved his hands indifferently, “They wouldn’t dare to attack my Medicine King’s Valley’s disciples, I’ll just send them away.”

After saying so, Qin Ze swept his eyes over the crowd indifferently before coldly shouting, “Four Young Lords, surrounding this Qin and my fellow disciples, are you planning to start a quarrel with my Medicine King’s Valley?”

Although his attitude was insufferably arrogant, these words still deeply troubled the Yang Family Young Lords, all of them quickly waving their hands and refuting, “Senior Qin must be kidding, we wouldn’t dare.”

Qin Ze coldly snorted, “First it was the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land invading my Medicine King’s Valley, burning our homes and slaughtering our fellow brothers and sister, now you Yang Family children don’t even treat us seriously! Good good! Your Yang Family certainly has the courage the Central Capital’s first powerhouse should have!”

All four of the Young Lords couldn’t help shrinking their necks, unable to answer.

“Don’t say you four juniors, even if Yang Ying Hao saw this Qin he wouldn’t dare show such disrespect!” Qin Ze didn’t hold back in the slightest as he loudly scolded.

Even though Yang Kang and the others were unhappy about being demeaned so publically, they didn’t dare to show any dissatisfaction on their faces, instead just giving it their all to maintain their ingratiating smiles.

These four Yang Family Young Lord had not only blocked this group of Medicine King’s Valley Alchemists but also wanted to recruit them into their own camp as helpers, how could they dare offend them any further?

So they did their best to lower their stances and speak in a respectful tone, even if Qin Ze ridiculed them mercilessly they didn’t make any attempt to refute.

Not arguing but also not giving in, just smiling faintly as they blocked the square, it was a clear show of their unwillingness to simply give up.

After Yang Zhao let Qin Ze vent, he wore an even bigger smile and respectfully said, “Senior Qin, you must have travelled far to reach here. If you are not in a hurry, why not come to my house?”

As soon as they heard him say this, Yang Zhao, Yang Shen, and Yang Ying all also rushed to send out invitations in the most sincere and humble tone they could, all of them expressing their earnest desire for Qin Ze to visit their mansions to rest and drink tea.

Qin Ze coldly snorted and rejected, “No. He who does not work does not deserve to eat. Make way, we have to continue on our way.”

Yang Zhao and others are all remained where they were, as if they were nailed in place, their expressions gradually becoming embarrassed. The people from Medicine King’s Valley were harder to cope with than average Immortal Ascension Boundary masters. They couldn’t fight with them and trying to convince them was akin to banging one’s head against a wall.

What made Yang Zhao more concerned though was why this group of Alchemists would appear in War City. Medicine King’s Valley had never participated in the Inheritance War before, but now they had suddenly sent thirty people here; Yang Zhao would never believe there was no deeper meaning to this action.

arouse their interest, in that way, they would take

what could he say to make

flashed slightly as he continued his attempts, “Senior Qin, this Junior has a matter he

the anger on his face, angrily roaring, “All of you have blocked our way and won’t let us proceed, what does it matter

continue to stimulate him, quickly getting to the point, “When this Junior was out for life experience these past few years, one time I strayed into the mountains and in the middle of the

this Spirit Flower a hint


Lords all couldn’t help feeling annoyed. They hated their Second Brother’s quick wit that had allowed him to handle these arrogant Medicine King’s Valley Alchemists

Earth Treasure had already opened its consciousness, so when Junior tried to reach out and pick it, it hurriedly

“Idiot!” Qin Ze cursed.

to this comment, instead just smiling and continuing, “True, this Junior indeed acted rashly at that

you managed to collect

smiled widely and nodded, “Fortunately, Junior was fast enough, managed to catch up with it, and successfully harvested it. Later, after returning to my Sect, I researched thoroughly and discovered that what I had obtained was a Mysterious Grade Top-Rank Seven Coloured Spirit Baby Flower, and at the suggestion of one of the Sect’s Alchemist, contained it

been stolen by another man, angrily shouting, “Who told

hopes Senior Qin can give this one some pointers.” Yang Zhao quickly asked for

newborn baby. If a cultivator

that no one else would dare use it to refine a

one can refine it besides Grandmaster Xiao?” Qin Ze spat, showing a face to seemed disdain Yang Zhao’s ignorance, but he didn’t explain any further, just continuing, “However, this Spirit Flower is attracted to the cold, raising it in sandstone and providing it with energy for a while won’t matter, but after a long time, its medicinal efficacy

dispelling his doubts!” Yang Zhao

too late to act now, if you had waited

he smiled warmly and once again made an

interrupted here, “Don’t bother, even if you were to proclaim that the Heaven’s themselves

expected Qin Ze to refuse him so fervently. Normally, whenever these Alchemist types heard about a Mysterious Grade Top-Rank Alchemy material, they wouldn’t rest until they had at least laid eyes

were things

Lords made no attempt to conceal their happiness, but immediately after furrowed their brows, this Qin Ze seemed like

over what to

immediately shrank slightly because the person

not made any movements, but obviously when this group of Medicine King’s Valley alchemist had suddenly appeared in War City today

a little awe, secretly raising their guard as they watched

Senior.” When he came up to Qin Ze and the others, Yang Wei greeted

lightly, his

has a request and hopes Senior Qin can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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