Martial Peak

Chapter 462

Five Immortal Ascension Boundary masters were tasked with guarding these artifacts. Only this level and amount of force could deter enemies from having other thoughts.

But in this way, the number of masters who could be used was also reduced by five.

However, the incident which occurred when the third batch of artifacts appeared had already disrupted the balance of the six camps. If Yang Kang and the others didn’t throw everything they had into dealing with the situation in front of them, they would only fall into a passive state and gain less and less.

Yang Kai furrowed his brow as he pondered about how to capitalize on his current advantage.

The fourth batch of artifacts appeared soon after.

Nothing remarkable happened, the Spirit Array glowed and then artifacts surfaced from the bottom of the lake, but this time, no one acted rashly, although many people still charged in, this time they were significantly more cautious.

Everyone was on guard not only against enemies trying to rob them, but also against the artifacts themselves; after all, any carelessness might lead to their untimely death.

When the cultivators from the six camps reached the center of the lake, all of them suddenly stopped, no one wanted to serve as someone else’s pathfinder, so everyone waited for others to take the lead, contemplating how the artifact’s stored attack could be stimulated and making plans to handle these scenarios.

The scene suddenly became a stalemate, the artifacts suspended mid-air while the cultivators surrounded them, everyone glancing around vigilantly at each other.

Seeing this, Yang Kai frowned; although he also expected such a situation to appear, he too had no good way to deal with it.

Now, whoever came up first would definitely suffer, but they also couldn’t remain in this deadlocked. The fifth batch of artifacts would probably appear soon. If they couldn’t eat this batch, when the fifth one showed up, the situation would only get worse.

Finally, Yang Kang sneered, “Is everyone here so really so timid? Whoever is willing to step forward is who will have an opportunity! I don’t believe it’s impossible to seize these things!”

Just as his voice rang out, within the dense field of artifacts, a weak Spiritual Energy fluctuation emerged.

A Soul Skill! The sudden emergence of this Soul Skill broke the stalemate in an instant.

As an invisible force burst open, it pushed all of the gently floating artifacts into the surrounding crowd.

The energy contained within the artifacts all erupted one after another as a wave of attacks suddenly struck around, causing everyone to hastily dodge or defend themselves.

Yang Kai immediately turned his eyes towards Liu Qing Yao, his brow wrinkling further.

The Soul Skill just now had been his doing. No one knew why Liu Qing Yao was here. He hadn’t offered services to any of the Yang Family Young Lords, nor had he stirred up any trouble until now. Usually, he just stayed in War City, but this time he had quietly run over to Po Jing Lake, his intentions impossible to guess.

But now he had taken the initiative to break this stalemate.

appeared, everyone had been vigilant against the traps. Fortunately, the grades of these artifacts weren’t too high, so even fully charged with True Qi the power they could display wasn’t too big

easy enough for these cultivators to handle as long as they

allies didn’t seek trouble with Yang

fourth batch

had time to breath, the fifth batch

this batch of artifacts didn’t appear from the bottom of the lake, but instead descended from

air, numerous glowing golden spheres condensed before quickly transforming into a hundred rays of light that shot

cultivators who had just been grabbing artifacts hadn’t even had time to return to their respective camps when this fifth batch

even spreading as far as the crowd of spectators, causing quite a big

fifth batch of artifacts; the chaotic battlefield was no longer limited to Po Jing Lake

those who had stayed in the six camps had to join in and competed for these newly

and everyone, whether

of spectators found themselves becoming riled

observing both their opponents’ actions and

approach to this situation as a model for his own. Whenever Yang Kai dispatched reinforcements, he too would deploy more manpower. When Yang Kai had his troops pull

had noticed this but he didn’t say anything. What his big brother

to tremble violently, their True Qi to fluctuate wildly and their blood

here, the nearby crowd had boiled over with excitement,

artifact had disappeared and no one knew who had taken it

to snatch this artifact. It had been such a rare opportunity. So many artifacts had appeared here, but only one had landed here

to be around forty years old fell to the ground,

Everyone was shocked.

artifact that had just disappeared emerged and, seemingly attracted by an invisible force, quickly flew out, accelerating towards the

was horrified, quickly dismissing any thoughts they had

in trying to seize this artifact for himself, he had brought

masters staring at the movements of these flying artifacts; once an uninvolved bystander couldn’t resist their greed, they

been the one

Capital’s Yang

longer dared have any ideas about these artifacts. Once they were moved by their greed, they would find

the time between when batches of artifacts appeared only became

the next batch had emerged, and everywhere

died. No matter which

who remained beside the six Yang Family Young Lords also decreased as time passed; first, half the Immortal Ascension Boundary masters were sent out, then the younger generation leaders such as Huo Xing Chen entered the fray as

of strong Immortal Ascension masters, otherwise there would be no way for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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