Martial Peak

Chapter 464

Everyone’s entire focus had been attracted by this batch of Heaven Grade artifacts except for the six Yang Family Young Lords!

Since the battle for these artifacts had begun, none of them had ever moved, only deploying their allies one by one until now only their respective Blood Warrior was left beside them.

The six of them were constantly on alert, secretly observing the movements of their opponents. Yang Kai, Yang Wei, and Yang Zhao didn’t appear anxious while Yang Kang, Yang Shen, and Yang Ying couldn’t help showing some slight agitation. When a cultivator from their camp lost an artifact they would wear bitter expressions, and when they successfully snatched one they would show happy smiles, especially when the grade of the artifact was good.

However, no matter who it was, all of them were quietly waiting for the emergence of the Mysterious Grade artifacts, which they knew would soon appear.

Suddenly, a few thousand meters up, a few faint flashes of light like twinkling stars emerged and an extraordinary fluctuation of energy spread from them.

Everyone felt these energy fluctuations and couldn’t help but look up.

What they saw was these points of light getting brighter and brighter as they approached the lake surface at an incredible speed, like brilliant falling stars with five coloured tails trailing behind them.

The six brothers expressions all brightened as flames lit in their hearts .

The Mysterious Grade artifacts had finally appeared!

What’s more, there were a full eight of them!

This was the grand finale of this snatching battle, the most precious eight artifacts!

Mysterious Grade was the highest grade in this world, whether it was an artifact or pill! Refining Mysterious Grade pills was extremely difficult and refining Mysterious Grade artifacts was even harder, so almost every single Mysterious Grade artifact was equivalent to a first-class forces’ foundational inheritance.

In one shot producing eight Mysterious Grade artifacts, only the Central Capital’s Eight Great Families had such a heritage.

Soon, the eight Mysterious Grade artifacts that appeared in the sky had fallen to a height of a thousand meters and were still picking up speed.

Whether it was the crowd of spectators or the battling cultivators, all of them felt as if a mountain like pressure was descending upon them, this aura was like the precursor to the world’s imminent destruction, causing everyone to shudder in fear.

“Run!” Someone exclaimed as they darted away.

Since the emergence of the third batch of artifacts, every artifact had a single strike sealed within it. If a cultivator wanted to seize it, they first had to endure this attack.

These eight Mysterious Grade artifacts were obviously the same. An attack from a Mysterious Grade artifact was difficult for even an Immortal Ascension Boundary Seventh or Eighth Stage master to endure, so what chance would these casual spectators stand?

a pack of stray dogs fleeing in panic, each of them activating their own movement skills to get

snatching artifact until now also hurriedly withdrew in order to avoid a head


meters, seven

If one didn’t spend a great deal of time to thoroughly research it, they wouldn’t know what these

and inspected the eight artifacts as best he could,

fluctuation, indicating it was probably an artifact with a cold attribute. Although what Yang Kai cultivated was

Five hundred meters…

now hadn’t moved at

six brothers silently met each other’s eyes and confirmed each other’s goals. Obviously they didn’t want to have any disputes

was a total of eight artifacts so each of them could grab at least one of them, as for the

Kai, none of his brothers seemed to have eyes on his goal. With the roles of these Mysterious

six brothers


flash, twelve people and eight

was a bit faster, rushing ahead of their Young Lords and pushing their True Qi to defend themselves as they each reached out

powered attack from a Mysterious Grade artifact was not something any of the Young Lords could resist, so the Blood Warriors had to resist these strikes first before they could attempt to


same time, and from inside the brilliant light, a mysterious pattern

none of them rushed to seize them, even Yang Kai didn’t dare touch

lone figure suddenly shot towards one of the two drifting artifacts from below. This person seemed to have flown

seeing the face of this person, Yang Kang couldn’t

before now, but when the Mysterious Grade artifacts appeared, he finally moved, obviously he

Yang Shen coldly snorted, how could the Mysterious Grade artifact’s attack be so easy to bear? Liu Qing Yao was only an Immortal

all, his True Qi suddenly bursting out, causing the robe he was wearing to shine vibrantly. On his robe, images of a great river and a round crescent moon appeared, there was even a fish swimming in the water giving it an almost lifelike appearance. The river surged upwards in great billowing blue waves, forming into a raging

fish leapt from the water and transformed into a great and imposing dragon which opened its mouth bit

Yang Zhao exclaimed, apparently

Although he had never heard of this Water Moon Blue Wave Armour, Liu Qing Yao daring to

and defence; it looked like

the First Young Lord of the Central Capital. He was also the Liu Family’s

Grade artifact’s barrier, the seal was immediately stimulated and countless golden lights shone out,

a while longer but eventually lost to the golden lights, bursting into

opportunity to grab the artifact before the countless golden lights

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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