Martial Peak

Chapter 466

Not only were the Yang Family brothers amazed, but even the cultivators below who had come to spectate also showed shocked expressions. All of them now, concentrating on the sky, holding their breaths as they waited silently.

The actions of the Yang Family’s Young Lords had been the focus of everyone attention just now, so the entire scene that had just played out was obviously witnessed by all of them.

Floating midair, Yang Wei felt a little worried. He too didn’t know where his Ninth Brother’s confidence came from. He had long ago thought that that Yang Kai was mysterious and powerful, but after all, that was just his speculations. Before the snatching battle had begun when he had a verbal conflict with Liu Qing Yao, it was indeed Yang Kai he was thinking of, but he had not openly declared so at the time.

If Yang Kai were to mature, he would definitely be qualified to compete with Liu Qing Yao, but now… it was still too early.

After Yang Kang and others stared blankly for a while, they all shook their heads and stepped back, preparing to watch the good show. Although they were brothers with Yang Kai, right now they were also opponents. When he was defeated here by Liu Qing Yao, it would no doubt be a stain on his reputation.

Yang Kai’s radiance had been far too strong for far too long, and now they finally had a chance to see him knocked down a few notches.

“Is this kid crazy?” There were some ridiculing and disdainful voices whispering amongst the spectating crowd, “Daring to fight with the Central Capital’s First Young Lord, these Yang Family direct descendants really are too arrogant!”

“What do you know? In this situation, whether they fight or not, the Yang Family will lose face. Them sending out the youngest isn’t a bad plan. Even if he loses, the Yang Family will also be able to say ‘it’s not that our Yang Family isn’t as good as the Liu Family, it’s just that everyone is too young’.”

There were plenty of self-proclaimed smart and savvy people who expressed this idea, gaining the support of many people who nodded in agreement.

However, there were still some people who chose to quietly watch Yang Kai, wondering if he would show them some kind of earth-shattering means.

These people thought that Yang Kai didn’t seem like an arrogant and boastful youth. Since he dared accept the Central Capital’s First Young Lord’s challenge, he either had mental problems, or his real ability far exceeded everyone’s expectations.

At that moment, everyone’s eyes converged on these two people, as for the cultivators from the six different camps fighting over Heaven Grade artifacts; no one seemed to care anymore.

In full view to the public, Yang Kai showed no signs of nervousness, just standing mid-air like a statue, staring back at Liu Qing Yao lightly, nodding casually as he called out, “Young Lord Liu, whenever you’re ready!”

Liu Qing Yao couldn’t help but frown, a touch of resentment creeping into his indifferent expression as he snorted, “I too want to see how you can block three of my moves!”

Just as his voice fell, a terrifying Spiritual Energy broke out.

This Spiritual Energy was filled with ruinous intent, coalescing in an instant and then piercing through the sky like a lance which could rip apart anyone’s mental defences.

When this Spiritual Energy broke out, it was as if Liu Qing Yao was a sleeping dragon which had just awaken, bringing destruction with him.

The Soul type artifacts on all of the Yang Family Young Lords flashed brilliantly as invisible forces appeared around them, blocking the residual waves of Liu Qing Yao’s Divine Sense attack.

Everyone’s face changed, even Yang Wei’s usually indifferent expression became dignified. The last time he had fought against Liu Qing Yao, although he had ultimately lost, it hadn’t been a miserable defeat, but now it was apparent to him that Liu Qing Yao at the time had held back.

arrogantly declare no one could resist three of his moves! Even if he had promoted to the Immortal Ascension Boundary Second Stage

Young Lords who didn’t wear any Mysterious Grade artifacts. With these high-grade artifacts to act as amplifiers, Liu Qing Yao could display much more strength than

*Weng weng weng…*

that penetrated deep into one’s ears, causing one to feel like they had suddenly sunk into a violent destructive vortex. It seemed that

Energy!” In the crowd,

strength, under the

suddenly felt that even gasping for breath became difficult, as if there was a mountain weighing down on their heads, involuntarily stimulating the idea of bending their knees in

be careful!” Yang Wei called out as he hurriedly withdrew, avoiding the center of the Spiritual Energy’s impact. Yang

centre of the vortex of Spiritual Energy, Yang Kai’s eyes brightened and couldn’t help

if it was achieved with the assistance of a Mysterious Grade artifact, indicated that his

Yao’s Divine Sense strength wasn’t inferior to

potent Divine Sense attack for his first strike, he obviously

had believed that Yang Kai had stepped forward because he was the youngest, so even if he lost it wouldn’t be too shameful. Therefore, he wanted to thoroughly defeat him in a

Qing Yao’s eyes

the aftermath of his strike by a hundred meters, yet this Yang Kai who stood in the centre of his Spiritual Energy explosion acted as if he had been hit by a nothing more than a light spring breeze. Forget about showing any discomfort, all that could be

the horrible Spiritual Energy dissipated and Yang Kai still stood, completely

damage from this

can he be safe?

“Impossible, absolutely impossible.”

the youngest Young Lord

all of them had thought that when the dust had settled, Yang Kai would definitely be

artifact, was there really any kind of defence that didn’t leak? Also, none of them had even seen the movement of

Yang Kai called out,

As the one who had initiated this attack, he was even more surprised than everyone else. Quickly

perspective, this Central Capital First Young Lord suddenly seemed many times bigger, but upon staring at him fixedly, Liu Qing Yao was still Liu Qing Yao, nothing had

Kai soon understood that his opponent’s Martial Skill has caused this illusion in his own mind and

Yao tread another step, Yang Kai found that even if he concentrated fully, he couldn’t completely stop his thoughts from fluctuating, causing the young man in front of him to once again appear as a giant, even if

Third step……

step was trod, a buckling sound seemed to

drum was being beat, causing a resonance within the

Family’s Nine Resonant Steps!” Yang Wei’s face changed

between Heaven and Earth had become turbulent and Liu Qing Yao seemed

The fourth step……


in their hearts suddenly felt like their Blood Force and True Qi pulsed strongly, even showing some signs

The fifth step……

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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