Martial Peak

Chapter 474

The people in the five groups had only managed to take a few steps back before a wicked laughter filled their ears, causing all of them to feel unnerved.

“Did this old master say you could go?” The eyes of the middle-aged man flashed a dangerous and cold light, his tone noticeably lowering as a gloomy aura spread out from him, sending chills down everyone’s back.

All those who were trying to retreat immediately halted, their expressions turning extremely ugly.

“What instructions does Senior have?” Lei Zhou frowned and asked, secretly circulating his True Qi as he did so.

“This old master is in a good mood today and is too lazy to slaughter,” The middle-aged man smiled slyly, his expression light and carefree. “But all of you have eyes but fail to see, such blind fools shouldn’t be left alive. Since you’ve chosen to support the wrong person, this old master can’t just sit by and ignore you.”

Hearing the meaning of his words, the faces of everyone in the five groups grew even uglier, one of the Immortal Ascension Boundary masters coldly snorting, “How I chose to act is none of your business. Although Senior may be strong, but facing so many of us I don’t believe you’ll feel much better. Must Senior insist on acting ruthlessly?”

As this man spoke, the five groups gradually gathered together, all of them staring at the middle-aged man with dignified looks, displaying a unified front.

Against such a master, they were forced to do so. Their only hope was that this middle-aged man would see this and back down.

However, the middle-aged man didn’t show any signs of hesitation, instead only looking more and more excited, “Good good! Finally enough targets to slaughter!”

As he spoke, he licked his lips and slowly lifted his hand, “Heaven Sealing Blood Sea!”

Behind the middle-aged man’s back, a crimson light flashed and a bright red wave of blood spread out in all directions.

Before anyone could react, the entire region had been enveloped in this blood sea.

All everyone could see was a scarlet world, the Heavens and Earth had all transformed into waves of thick red blood which churned and rippled around them, blood bubbles constantly rising from beneath their feet, the smell of iron thick and nauseating.

From all around, wails and moans rang out.

It was like they had been dropped into a demonic purgatory!

“What is this?” The five batches of people suddenly panicked, none of them had ever seen such a strange Martial Skill. All the middle-aged man had done was wave his hand and the entire world had changed. Instinctively, everyone pushed their True Qi and tried to escape, using their movement skills and artifacts to their full potential as they tried to escape this blood red world.

However, the blood pooled beneath them seemed to exert a huge suction on them, locking them in place, unable to escape.

The ground had become like quicksand, the more one tried to struggle, the faster they were pulled under.

let out a burst of demonic laughter, seemingly enjoying the desperate and helpless expressions of those struggling to escape

King Valley and Treasure Instrument Sect was also stunned, all of them glancing

knew that this middle-aged man who had suddenly appeared was very powerful, but no one imagined he

of cultivators to fall into desperation, and from his appearance,

sinister attributes, but when Leng Shan and her fellow disciples compared their Sect’s techniques with the scene in front of them, filled

who barely managed to keep his composure though his heart was pounding, turned his

that this middle-aged man wasn’t

the blood sea had all undergone massive changes. These people, no matter how strong or weak, how high or low their cultivations, all had ferocious looks in their bloodshot

hidden brutality and malice that

summoned their artifact and used a Martial Skill on the companion beside him, decapitating

“Kill! Kill! Kill! KILL!”

slaughtering demons, unable to

blood that flowed

of blood was

to be admiring a great drama, his expression

mountains of corpses,

and Ghost King Valley’s several female disciples all couldn’t help covering their mouths and rushing

imagined such a bloody and terrifying scene; it had obviously

glanced over, but after snickering once he turned his eyes away and stopped paying

cup of tea’s time, the five groups of people trapped in the Heaven Sealing Blood Sea had all died with

an Immortal Ascension Boundary Sixth Stage, whether it was his personal cultivation or Martial

he was no

covered in blood and his eyes were completely bloodshot, like a beast that had been trapped in a cage for thousands of years. Hot breath left his mouth and nose as his face expression only showed

sentience had been annihilated; right now he was nothing more than a walking corpse

you survived, this old master won’t kill you!” The middle-aged man smiled and waved his hands in a strange pattern, quickly condensing a mysterious glowing seal that show

seal hit him, Lei Zhou suddenly seemed to transform into a whirlpool that madly swallowed all

bizarre scene shocked the Ghost King Valley and Treasure

this infusion of blood, this Immortal Ascension Boundary master gradually changed, swelling up to more than twice his previous size as

blood poured into his body, and soon no semblance of his original appearance remained. He couldn’t

creature, its hideous face containing a pair eyes that radiated a

he also quickly discovered that although it was formed from a strong

head to the sky the newly transformed creature let out a roar which shook the air, the clouds gathered over its head scattered as a red light from its forehead shot up to the

will feed you plenty of fresh blood!” The middle-aged man mumbled to himself before waving his hand again, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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