Martial Peak

Chapter 503

Gently putting down Qiu Yi Meng, Yang Kai walked towards Pang Chi.

The Qiu Family’s First Young Lady looked calm, in no way showing any embarrassment about being so intimate with Yang Kai, but her doubts were actually quite deep.

Because when Yang Kai had just let go of her, she clearly felt that his hands were shaking.

What news could make such a steadfast and determined man have this kind of reaction?

“Little Lord!” When Yang Kai stepped forward, Pang Chi quickly stood up and bowed, not bothering with any nonsense and directly saying, “Bamboo Knot Gang’s people have been searching for half a year, and finally located… the people Little Lord has been searching for.”

Yang Kai quickly calmed his breathing and asked, “Where?”

Before the start of the Inheritance War, Yang Kai had already ordered the Bamboo Knot Gang to inquire about the news of Su Yan and the others from High Heaven Pavilion and now there was finally a clue.

“About five thousand kilometers northwest from War City. There is a small village surrounded by mountains, where they seem to have secluded themselves in.”

“How certain are you?”

“Almost one hundred percent. Although we haven’t made any direct contact with them, according to Little Lord’s previous description, they should be the ones you are seeking for. Undoubtedly, the village is a newly built one that appeared roughly one year ago and the nearly hundred people who live there are all cultivators.”

“Good good good!” Yang Kai nodded again and again, feeling like a great weight had finally lifted off his heart, reaching out and warmly patting Pang Chi’s shoulder as he praised him, “You’ve done very well.”

Pang Chi was very extremely flattered, his face flushing red as he somewhat incoherently replied, “Many than… no, I mean… that is… it’s what this subordinate should do!”

As he said so, he hurriedly fumbled about in his sleeve pocket and took out a sheet of paper, handing it to Yang Kai, “This is a map drawn by my subordinates, I hope it will be of use to Little Lord.”

“Good work.” Yang Kai grinned as he accepted the map and unfolded it, immediately taking note of where the small village surrounded by mountains was located.

Seeing this map, Yang Kai further believed Pang Chi’s inference because this village was not far from the position where Yang Kai and Ling Tai Xu had once emerged from the Void Corridor.

Su Yan and the others should have hidden themselves in their present location not long after exiting the Void Corridor.

“Yang Kai, are you looking for someone?” Qiu Yi Meng came up and asked. She hadn’t spoken until now but as she was observing she took note of how greatly Yang Kai’s expression had changed and realized that the people he was looking for must be very important to him.

“En.” Yang Kai nodded and carefully folded the map in his hands.

of people?” Qiu Yi Meng smiled, intently or unintentionally

took a deep breath and recalled Su Yan’s appearance in his mind, his

realized something, immediately asking, “Since you’ve found them, what do you want

pick them up.” Yang

not!” Qiu Yi Meng

as his eyes slowly became cold,

current Demon Lord. Right now they haven’t been exposed to the world, but if you were to

Yi Meng was telling the truth,

has been going on for almost a year now. I’m certain that even though those people from your Sect are hiding in the mountains, they would have received news of this. Since they already know, yet haven’t taken the initiative to come to War City, they obviously don’t want to cause

here is even greater.” Yang Kai quickly objective, “They are currently living in seclusion, but since they can be found by people from the Bamboo Knot Gang,

year ago, they only had a few Immortal Ascension Boundary masters with them and even their cultivations weren’t that high. The remaining disciples were only

were to be found by any first or even second class force, they would definitely not be able to escape. Only by bringing them to his

before letting out a sigh, “Do you insist on bringing them

open to discussion.” Yang

useless to try

shook his head immediately,

Yi Meng frantically objected, “What are you thinking? Even if those people are important to you, with your status and current situation you can’t

not to fight. All I have to do is sneak out and

happens to you, but at least consider what would happen to all your allies here! They’ve fought and bled so much for you! Many of them have even given their lives just to see you win the Inheritance War. If you have an accident

Yang Kai and grabbed his collar. The little girl, wore an extremely stubborn

considering the overall situation, Yang Kai was still dead set on his decision, shaking his head decisively, “I have to go. If I don’t go, they

them personally. If Qiu Yi Meng went, not only would they not come to War City, they would likely

them up for you myself! In any case, you

you act a bit more

woman, why should I act mature? Do you only care about mature

act swiftly and

Yi Meng

nothing.” Yang Kai wasn’t

Land and wouldn’t have been separated from Su Yan for so long. In the end, the Qiu Family’s First Young Lady was the main culprit behind all of this. It was precisely because of this that Yang Kai originally had a bad attitude towards Qiu Yi Meng, but after interacting with her for a long time and especially after the

who felt like he was sitting

turned her eyes towards him and declared, “You must stay here

she was afraid of him revealing the sensitive information he had just heard. Although

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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