Martial Peak

Chapter 509

Listening to Yang Kai say this, even the mild tempered Kang Zhan couldn’t resist coldly snorting, “Big words!”

Agreeing to Yang Kai’s proposal was nothing more than him not wanting to provoke further trouble, in Kang Zhan’s opinion, he was selling him a favor and giving him face, but now this person was actually shameless enough to say it was for his own good.

Such cheap rhetoric and arrogance naturally annoyed him.

Not paying Yang Kai’s words any mind, Kang Zhan waved his hand, “Brother Xiang, Brother Nan, send out your people.”

Xiang Chu and Nan Sheng nodded and signaled towards the crowd, the next moment two streaks of light shooting out from behind them.

In just the blink of an eye, two figures had already rushed over to Yang Kai’s position. One of these people was from the Xiang Family while the other was from the Nan Family, both of them old men at the Peak Immortal Ascension Boundary.

If not for Xiang Chu and Nan Sheng’s strong persuasion, it would have been impossible for the Xiang and Nan Families to send these two to participate in the Inheritance War.

Without a single word, the two old men struck towards Ying Jiu.

Both old masters went all out, trying to use overwhelming momentum to take Ying Jiu out in one fell swoop.

Two Peak Immortal Ascension Boundary masters attacking at once created an astounding pressure, immediately causing many of the High Heaven Pavilion members’ breaths to stagnate.

The violent power of these two strikes seemed to have created a whirlpool that drew in the lives of everyone around them.

Everyone was aghast; their faces turning pale, in the face of such astounding strength, none of them could even work up the will to resist.

Nan Sheng and Xiang Chu smirked as they smugly watched, secretly expecting Ying Jiu to be forced to display his Mad Tyrant Blood Skill.

But contrary to their expectations, Ying Jiu’s expression remained indifferent, suddenly disappearing just before the two old men’s attacks were about to reach him.

The looks on the Xiang and Nan Family masters swiftly changed. Suddenly having lost their target, a terrifying feeling welled up in their hearts.

The two masters hurriedly tried to retreat, but before they could, a sharp killing intent stabbed towards them from behind.

Before the two masters knew what was happening, a ghostly figure wielding two daggers appeared behind them and unleashed a series of slashes.

Flickering Shadow Strike!

The air was instantly filled with violent waves of energy, like ripples on the surface of a pond.

The arrogant expressions on Xiang Chu and Nan Sheng’s faces instantly solidified, soon being replaced by looks of fear and shock as they stared towards the sky.

Kang Zhan and Qiu Zi Ruo’s reactions weren’t much better.

were friend or foe, trembled at the sight of Ying Jiu’s

Yang Kai chuckled and calmly said, “Martial Uncles, lead

they were to exert all their strength, they wouldn’t

and Su Yan remained standing side by side

from the battle above as she turned her head towards Yang

*Shua Shua Shua…*

up in the sky, the three masters separated from

Jiu appeared just as he had a moment ago, his expression indifferent and his

the masters from the Xiang and Nan Families had expressions that were somewhat pale and their robes had been damaged here and there. Although they showed

to everyone present just how stunning the Yang Family Blood Warrior’s combat strength

invincible amongst those of the same realm, commonly fighting those

Insufficient!” Ying Jiu held his two daggers by his sides and shot a cold look

two old men’s expression immediately

Stage!” Qiu Zi Ruo also saw that the situation wasn’t good. In their original plan, the two Peak Immortal Ascension Boundary masters would distract

to send more people up.” Kang Zhan was also dazed for a

group behind him. Immediately, four more

and two Immortal

people by himself, but his expression still remained indifferent, on the other hand it was the four newcomers

not enough!” Ying Jiu shook his head, “If you want to contain

if he

Ying Jiu suddenly muttered, his Blood Force rapidly rising and his True

once more. None of them had thought that Ying

increased the intensity of a Blood Warrior’s Blood Force and True Qi at the expense of their vitality!

Family’s Blood Warriors had phenomenal strength, they generally didn’t live

sharp yet silent to violent and wrathful, his exposed


moving yet remaining exactly where he was; on the other hand,


of blood, before realizing what had happened, without even engaging Ying Jiu in combat, one of the Immortal Ascension Boundary Seventh Stage master’s eyes dimmed and

out like a fountain from this man’s throat and before he even hit

of hell gripped the hearts of

them in a dazzling pattern through his fingers, his wild aura suddenly condensing and becoming deathly still, and said, “If you think so,

men at the Immortal Ascension Boundary Ninth Stage

forward and summoned their respective artifacts, pushing their True Qi to the limit

Jiu’s figure flickered through this wave of attacks, like a leaf floating through

dare underestimate Ying Jiu, with his Immortal Ascension Ninth Stage cultivation and Mad Tyrant Blood Skill.

right now really weren’t enough to contain him!

Shua Shua*, four more figures leapt up from the ground, all of them cultivators at the Immortal Ascension Boundary Eighth Stage, this was

weren’t as free and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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