Martial Peak

Chapter 517

As Yang Kai’s allies were just about to deploy, Old Demon suddenly appeared beside Qiu Yi Meng frowning and said, “You don’t have to go out, Young Master will be back soon.”

“He’s already back?” Qiu Yi Meng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. With Yang Kai out alone and only Ying Jiu protecting him, she had constantly been on edge. Now hearing the news of Xiang Chu and Nan Sheng, she was afraid that Yang Kai had suffered some kind of accident, but listening to Old Demon, it seemed her concerns were unwarranted. Depressing the worry in her heart, she quickly asked, “Where is he right now?”

Old Demon’s squinted and stared off into the distance for a moment before replying, “Although Young Master is back in the city, he doesn’t seem to be headed towards the mansion and is instead moving to the southeast.”

“Southeast…” Qiu Yi Meng’s brow furrowed, the worry she had just pressed down suddenly resurfacing, “That’s Yang Zhao’s location!”

“Damn it, who provoked Young Master, he’s completely enraged now!” Old Demon took a deep breath and shouted, “This old master is going to rendezvous with him!”

As he spoke these words, Old Demon’s figure flickered, transforming into a bloody light that shot off towards the southeast.

Qiu Yi Meng’s beautiful face suddenly became solemn. Not daring to hesitate any longer, she hurriedly rushed out of the mansion with the assembled forces.

At the same time, Meng Wu Ya, who was meditating in his room, slowly opened his eyes, his brow furrowing deeply as he stared towards Yang Kai’s position, muttering to himself, “How is that little brat emitting such a strong Evil Qi?”

Becoming somewhat concerned, he quickly stood up, opened the door, and stared off into the distance. The sky over War City gradually began filling with dark clouds, blotting out all traces of sunlight, it was as a bucket of black ink had been spilled and was slowly dying the world black, weighing heavily on people’s hearts.

Letting out a sigh, Meng Wu Ya appeared to tread a few steps but actually crossed several hundred meters as he did so.

Inside the Seal Temple, the eight Above Immortal Ascension Boundary masters also left their mental construct world and stared at each other, their somewhat aged eyes all flashing some surprise.

Qiu Dao Ren frowned and quickly spoke, “Brother Yang, that little brat from your family seems to have signs of Devil’s Practices.”

Yang Li Ting’s face, however, remained indifferent, his eyes still closed.

The fat old man grinned and chimed in, “You really don’t care? If this continues, it’s possible he will fall onto the Devil’s Path.”

Yang Li Ting slowly opened his eyes and bluntly said, “Each of us follows our own path. Why should this old master care if he lives or dies?”

“If he really loses his mind and degenerates into a demon, what should we do?” The Kang Family’s Above Immortal Ascension Boundary asked. A young man, releasing such potent Evil Qi from his body, would inevitably have his heart corrupted and fall onto the Devil’s Path, becoming a demon that wouldn’t hesitate to slaughter his friends and family.

“At that time, this old master will take the initiative to clean up his own house. It has nothing to do with any of you,” Yang Li Ting responded indifferently.

When the other seven old masters heard this judgement, they no longer tried to persuade Yang Li Ting, all of them slowly shaking their heads. In this moment, they secretly thought that even though the Yang Family was strong, it wouldn’t survive for long. The bonds and affection for one another in the Yang Family was simply too thin. If one of the young genius disciples of their family suddenly appeared in this situation, how could they just sit by and ignore them? They would have already stepped forward to seize him, brought him to an isolated place, and begun suppressing the Evil Qi in his body.

brat’s talent and aptitude, he would very likely become the brightest star in the Yang Family’s future, yet now Yang Li Ting was still willing to casually discard

masters really

of them had already lived many years and had stopped concerning themselves with worldly matters. Since Yang Li Ting didn’t care to

Central Capital for a long time, but if things continued on their current trend, within less than a hundred years, they would definitely be supplanted by one of the

old masters could see this truth, but the Yang Family’s Elders were

Yang Zhao’s Mansion.

Sheng and Xiang Chu rushed inside like a couple of stray dogs and hurriedly called out, alerting Yang

his bed, Yang Zhao

sheets slowly falling, exposing her pure white skin. Two slender arms gently wrapped around Yang Zhao’s waist as she gently pressed herself

sounds like the voices of Xiang Chu and Nan Sheng.”

already back?” Ye Xin Rou smiled sweetly, her lashes fluttering lightly, “They must be here to bring good

Rou’s perfectly rounded

rude action provoked a light yelp from Ye Xin Rou who gazed back at

secretly looking forward to it. This time’s ambush could be said to be perfect, filling him with great confidence that Kang Zhan, Qiu Zi Ruo, and the seven forces he had deployed would achieve their objective, and had been quite looking forward to hearing from them. In such a state, he had no mind to cultivate and had instead been entangling with Ye Xin Rou,

lazing around at this hour. Beauties were tempting, but right now he valued

could defeat Yang Kai, he wasn’t afraid of facing his Eldest Brother Yang Wei and

lifting her jade arms and hooking them around Yang Zhao’s neck, pulling him back down, trying to keep him in bed

If it’s really good news, I’ll spoil you all night tonight!” Yang Zhao said with a light laugh, his eyes

and was somewhat disappointed, she no longer tried to retain him. In order

your Xin Rou to help you dress.” Ye Xin Rou gently got up and found a messy

though, Yang Zhao’s brow furrowed and Ye Xin Rou also paused. Both of them

of them suddenly realized that something

two people had really rushed back here to deliver the good news Yang Zhao was

Lord, Second Young Lord!” Outside the door, the footsteps and voices of

seeing Xiang Chu and Nan Sheng, he

actually in such a sorry state. Many scars and bloody wounds appeared on their bodies, their faces were both pale, and their True Qi

jumped onto the bed, covering her snow white peaks and graceful body with the beddings, lest something which shouldn’t be shown appear in the public eye. However, her ears continued to be perked up, not willing

to calm his turbulent mood. Although he was asking this question, just by seeing the appearance and expressions of these

Lord…” Nan Sheng swallowed hard, unable to utter any

eyes to Xiang Chu, the latter’s eyes dimming somewhat as he bowed his head, his expression

Yang Zhao asked in a

Sheng remained silent, his pale face slowly turning red while Xiang Chu clenched his fists and nodded, “We’ve disappointed

staggering slightly, staring incredulously at the two before him, although he already had some suspicions in his heart when he

people he had dispatched, with so many high level masters, how

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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