Martial Peak

Chapter 520

A hundred meters in length, the black dragon gave off an imposing aura, terrifying all the cultivators who laid eyes upon it. Their attitude towards Yang Kai, who had summoned such a monster, also quietly changed.

Many of Yang Zhao’s allies thought it would be easy to defeat Yang Kai and his forces simply by virtue of their overwhelming numerical advantage, but after witnessing Yang Kai’s astonishing methods, they quickly reigned in their expectations.

Such strength and heritage was not something ordinary people could handle. Today, although they were confident in being able to force Yang Kai back, defeating him was unlikely.

The only comfort they had was that whether it was Old Demon or Tang Yu Xian, neither of them had made any movements after showing their strength. It seemed like they just wanted to deter them rather than really start massacre.

Yang Zhao’s expression changed drastically as he quickly shouted, “Ninth Brother, are you really planning to fight Second Brother here and now?”

As Yang Kai said before, Yang Zhao had many more concerns than him. Although his forces were far superior in number, on average, they were also weaker and the amount of top level masters he had was actually fewer than Yang Kai. Once a battle broke out, the only result would be a mutual loss.

At that time, the fisherman’s profit would all be reaped by Eldest Brother Yang Wei.

He didn’t want to hand a gift to his big brother.

He didn’t plan on fighting anyone before he had secured an absolute advantage!

Unfortunately, Yang Kai’s forcefulness this time made him realize that his plan to win the Inheritance War would not develop as smoothly as expected.

“Second Brother, I meant what I said: I just want to kill those two. If you hand them over, I’ll immediately retreat!” Yang Kai said once more.

“Impossible!” Yang Zhao firmly rejected. If he were to hand over Xiang Chu and Nan Sheng here, how would any of his allies ever trust him again? However, from Yang Kai’s words, he knew that his Ninth Brother also didn’t want to fight here.

Mutual destruction, neither of them wanted to see this result!

Yang Zhao was worried about Yang Wei capitalizing on this situation while Yang Kai was unwilling to send his friends to a pointless death. Their concerns were different, but their conclusions were the same.

After letting out a sigh of relief, Yang Zhao suddenly smiled and said, “Ninth Brother, since you and Second Brother have similar scruples, I have a suggestion. Do you care to listen?”

Yang Kai’s brow wrinkled, not knowing what Yang Zhao was plotting. However, he still nodded lightly, “Go on.”

“This incident can be considered an internal matter of our Yang Family. Since it is an internal matter, only those from the Yang Family should participate. You want to kill, I want to protect. Whoever’s methods prove superior will have their way. How about it?”

Yang Kai’s mouth curled into a grin as he laughed playfully, “An internal matter?”


“Only Yang Family people can participate?”


“Including Blood Warriors, right?”

are not surnamed Yang, they are still members

Zhao’s eyes and saying, “Then we’ll do as Second

laughing riotously, like he had just succeeded in

laughed loudly, so much so that Qiu Yi Meng’s brow wrinkled, faintly aware that something was wrong,

were equally confused, neither of them understanding why Yang Zhao seemed so confidant nor what he was plotting to do. On the other hand, they also didn’t

Xiang Chu and one wanted to kill them. Who would

Yang Family members could participate in, the Blood beside Yang Zhao would obviously square off against Tang Yu Xian while Yang Zhao’s opponent was Yang Kai, but

made Yang Zhao so certain he

about Yang Zhao’s chances; no matter how much he had improved in the recent months,

Yang Kai

nodded gently, her outstanding figure flickering

smiled slightly and without hesitation rushed

two Blood Warriors didn’t exchange a single word, launching straight

they were among the strongest Immortal Ascension Boundary masters in the world, today’s focus was still the two Yang Family

the current Yang Kai, not only did he not focus on defending himself but instead took the

the ground with Yang Zhao at their center, like a group of great beasts were tunneling below the surface, a horrible energy soon emerging from

Earth Dragon

Yang Zhao had used this Heaven Grade Martial Skill to deal with Huo Xing

these dragon phantoms was condensed from the Soul of a Fifth-Order Monster Beast housed inside Yang Zhao’s body, and

phantoms simultaneously, but with the growth of his strength, he could now summon ten at once, each of which


*Xiu xiu xiu…*

dragon phantoms, the

grin as he stood in place, staring at Yang Kai proudly, a trace of pity in his eyes as he lightly said,

still sat a few thousand meters away in the tea house

the dust, she suddenly spotted a figure moving at an unbelievable speed towards Yang Kai’s

silently approached, so by the

dragon above him rapidly turned and rushed towards the approaching figure like an arrow shot from a bow, opening it’s great jaw in order to

never having imagined that his whereabouts were actually fully understood by Yang Kai. He immediately realized how tricky it would be to handle the black dragon and swiftly retreated, his figure flickering a few times before coming to a halt beside Yang Zhao and


Brother’s house has already broken the Qi

to the Qi Binding Seals that the Yang Family Grand Elder Huang Jiu Zhou had planted on the Mysterious Grade artifacts.

back at his mansion, striving to break through the Qi Binding Seal as he had be doing for the past two

Yang Zhao’s Blood Warrior who was hit by the Qi Binding Seal had already managed

a suggestion. This was what he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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