Martial Peak

Chapter 534

Inside the room, Ye Xin Rou narrowed her eyes and stared at Yang Kai, breaking out into a smile a moment later.

After giggling lightly, she directly said, “Little Lord looks down on people far too much. How could I simply abandon Second Young Lord to support you? If I did so, what would that say about me? What would the people of this world think of me? Of my Ye Family?”

“It was just a joke, don’t take it too seriously.” Yang Kai smiled and shook his head.

He also knew it was impossible for Ye Xin Rou to agree to this condition.

The Inheritance War was held by the Yang Family in order to select it’s next Patriarch and the various forces from around the Dynasty who participated did so mainly in order to win favour with the former.

But the other seven Great Families of the Central Capital were different.

They already had rich heritages and wielded great power. Even if not quite equal to the Yang Family, they were at least on the same level.

They were already inextricably tied to the Yang Family, so there was no reason for them to intentionally please them.

The Young Lords and Young Ladies from the other seven families who participated in the Inheritance War did so mostly to hone themselves and display their abilities. As for who won or who lost, it wasn’t of great concern to them.

So although Yang Zhao’s situation wasn’t very optimistic, it was impossible for Ye Xin Rou to betray him and ally with Yang Kai. She would gain nothing by doing so, while simultaneously damaging her Ye Family’s reputation.

“So what is it you really want?” Yang Kai stared at Ye Xin Rou with sharp eyes, “If I’m not mistaken, you should have been waiting around here for some time now, right?”

It would be too much of a coincidence for her to be outside his mansion at the exact moment Yang Kai had walked out.

As such, the only explanation was that this woman had been waiting for him.

“I don’t really want anything.” Ye Xin Rou shook her head casually, “It’s just that the situation is clear: It is only a matter of time before the Little Lord wins this Inheritance War and it can even be said that if you are willing, you can defeat your brothers right now. “

Yang Kai remained silent, but a hint of vigilance flashed across his eyes. He couldn’t determine if Ye Xin Rou had come here to gather intelligence or some other nefarious purpose.

“The winner of this contest will definitely be the Little Lord.” Ye Xin Rou smiled charmingly as she stared at Yang Kai, seemingly picturing his glorious future, her breath becoming slightly heavier, as if she was slightly intoxicated, “I’ve always had an interest in the strong, and Little Lord is such a person.”

“You have some boring interests.” Yang Kai grinned and said disdainfully.

Ye Xin Rou’s eyes flashed a cold light but quickly recovered, giggling sweetly, “Then I’ll get straight to the point. Xin Rou has come here only to make one request.”

“And that is?”

“When Little Lord becomes Patriarch of the Yang Family, I hope he can take care of my Ye Family.”

slightly strange, squinting at Ye Xin Rou as he asked, “Your Ye Family is also

delinquency rather than improving themselves. The last time we fought, the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land suffered many losses as well, but we failed to completely destroy them, which greatly damaged the reputation and prestige of the Eight Great Families. No one knows how long our current status and glory will last if this decline continues, however, I feel that Little Lord is a man who can

dominates the Central Capital and controls the world, not like now

discovering that he had somewhat underestimated this

Families. Despite her obvious

of strength and each

an opportunity wasn’t likely to appear

them it was,

something Yang Kai also occasionally thought about, but he hadn’t considered

Yang Kai couldn’t help feeling that what

sat in their current position for too long and had become complacent. This was the so-called three generations

decline were already

Lords and Young Ladies of the Central Capital each thought of themselves as powerful and superior to all others and had forgotten that their current

Qiu Zi Ruo become the Patriarch of the Qiu Family one day, what hope would it have

had some ability, but under their leadership, could they really halt the decline in their families’ power? This was something that no

rather take precautions sooner rather than later.


than it is now. If Xin Rou doesn’t forge a good relationship with you now, I’m afraid that there will be no chance to do so in the future.” Ye Xin Rou said frankly, no falsehood apparent on her face or in her voice. It was obviously

a moment of indifference, Yang Kai focused his eyes on Ye Xin Rou and curled his lips

her lip gently and whispered softly,

appeared in her eyes as a faint blush

her and grinned, slowly shaking his head as he asked,

Rou let out a charming laugh and slowly rose to her feat, sashaying over towards Yang Kai step

half step away from him, she spun on her heels lightly before gently sitting herself down atop Yang Kai’s lap, reaching out her jade like arms with fluid motions and wrapping them around his neck, bring her face next to

that seemed to come straight from the depths of his soul, reaching out his strong hands to

Kai impishly and pouted, “Please

know… tickling someone’s stomach isn’t

You shouldn’t

words from her bright red lips, Ye Xin Rou exuded

of slightly wet eyes,

by her charms and her body, so how could the even younger Yang Kai escape from her? Ye Xin Rou thought to herself as she disdainfully scoffed in her

giving him a taste, Ye Xin Rou next slipped out of Yang Kai’s

an expert at using such tactics, having a bit of fun while whetting a man’s

could she not understand a man’s thoughts when it

expectation. However, if one were to observe carefully, they would notice that although his gaze seemed fiery, they

firm, Ye Xin Rou’s clothes all

suddenly exposed to the air, her beautiful silky hair cascaded seductively down her lustrous back,

in surprise,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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